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1 단행본 (第10回) 國際傳統醫藥シソポジウム.富山(2005) : (The) 10th international symposium on traditional medicine in Toyama (2005). 傳統醫藥學の新展開 -國際調和と獨自性, 經驗知と先端科學 - 講演集 미리보기
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國際傳統醫藥シソポジウム 國際傳統醫藥シソポジウム 519.504 국제전ㄱ V.10 2005
2 단행본 The practice of Chinese medicine : the treatment of disease with acupuncture and Chinese herbs 미리보기
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Maciocia, Giovanni Churchill Livingstone 519 M152p 1994
3 단행본 The Web that has no weaver : understanding chinese medicine 미리보기
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Kaptchuk, Ted J Congdon and Weed 519 K17w 1983
4 단행본 Chinese herbal medicine : materia medica 미리보기
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Bensky, Dan/ Gamble, Andrew/ Bensky, Lilian Lai Eastland Press 519.8 B474c 1986
5 단행본 Chinese herbal medicine : formulas and strategies 미리보기
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Bensky, Dan/ Barolet, Randall Eastland Press 519.8 B474ca 1990
6 단행본 The way to locate acu-points 미리보기
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양갑삼 外文出版社 519.922 양갑삼ㅊㅁ 1988
7 단행본 Chinese Acupuncture 미리보기
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장육민 樺文排版印刷有限公司 519.9 장육민Cㅅ 1973
8 단행본 Acupuncture : a comprehensive text 미리보기
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Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine Eastland Press 519.9 S528a 1981
9 단행본 Fundamentals of acupuncture & moxibustion 미리보기
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Liu Gongwang Tianjin science & technology translation & publishing, 519.9 L783a 1994
10 단행본 An introdution to chinese materia medica 미리보기
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유창효 北京醫科大學中國協和醫科大學聯合出版社 519.8 유창효ㅈ 1993
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