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History of linguistics 2014 : selected papers from the 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII), Vila Real, Portugal, 25-29 August 2014

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항History of linguistics 2014 : selected papers from the 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII), Vila Real, Portugal, 25-29 August 2014/ edited by Carlos Assun??o, Gon?alo Fernandes and Rolf Kemmler, University of Tr?s-os-Montes and Alto Douro.
개인저자Assun??o, Carlos,editor,
Fernandes, Gon?alo(Writer on linguistics), editor,
Kemmler, Rolf,editor,
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항Studies in the History of the Language Sciences : Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science, series III,0304-0720; volume 126
기타형태 저록Print version: International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (13th : 2014 : Vila Real, Portugal). History of linguistics 2014. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016 9789027246172

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction -- Part I: General and particular issues in the history of linguistics. What do we talk about, when we talk about the history of linguistics?: a view from the United States / Margaret Thomas -- On the concept of grammatical tradition and its application to linguistic studies in Brazil / Ricardo Cavaliere -- The history of the concept of lexicography / John Considine -- The relation of gesture to thought and language: from language origin to cognitive science / T. Craig Christy -- Part II: Antiquity and Middle Ages. The ancient Greek and Byzantine notion of ?dialektos: a criterial approach / Raf van Rooy -- On the typology of ancient grammars: the regulae grammars / Anneli Luhtala -- L'interjection dans la tradition grammaticale latine, de l'antiquit? ? l'humanisme / Bernard Colombat -- Classifications of words in ancient Sanskrit grammars / ?milie Aussant -- Part III: Sixteenth to eighteenth century works. Notas sobre l? difusi?n en Portugal de l? libellus de ? constructione octo partium orationis (Londres 1513) durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI / Rogelio Ponce de Le?n Romeo -- Study of the dialogues in the Sprachb?cher by Juan ?ngel de Zumaran (fl. 1617-1634) / Mar?a Jos? Corvo S?nchez -- Models of language and mankind in the milieu of the "Id?ologues" / Kerstin Ohligschlaeger-Lim -- Deg?rando's three prize essays and the shift in linguistic thought at the turn of the 19th century / Gerda Hassler -- Part IV: Nineteenth to twentieth century studies. Anton Marty's philosophy of language and his dialogue with linguists / Savina raynaud -- Voices from the field: Edward Sapir's study of Takelma / Pierre Swiggers -- Saussure et la temporalit?: une recherche terminologique (1881-1891) / Alessandro Chidichimo -- Compl?ments indirects et circonstanciels dans la grammaire fran?aise au cours de la seconde moiti? du xixe si?cle / Sophie Piron -- Po?tique saussurienne, po?tique jakobsonienne: Quels rapports? / Pierre-Yves Testenoire -- A first history of functional grammar / J. Lachlan Mackenzie -- Polysemy in 19th century linguistic studies in Chile: attitudes and ideology / Dar?o Rojas -- Presupposition and implicitness in the 20th century: from logic to linguistics / B?atrice Godart-Wendling and Layla Ra?d.
요약"This volume brings together a selection of 20 out of altogether 170 papers presented at the 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII), held at the University of Tr?s-os-Montes and Alto Douro in Vila Real, Portugal, 25-29 August 2014. It is divided chronologically into four parts, ranging from classical antiquity to the end of the 20th century. Part I deals with general and theoretical topics in the history of linguistics in the United States, in Brazil, and the fields of lexicography and the relation of gesture to thought and language. Part II examines aspects of ancient Greek and Latin grammars, the concept of interjection from antiquity to humanism, and the classification of the parts of speech in the classical Sanskrit grammars. Part III focuses on 16th-century Latin-Portuguese grammaticography, the importance of 17th-century plurilingual textbooks, as well as two papers dedicated to French id?ologues and their participation in late 18th-century prize competitions. Part IV is devoted to the works of 19th to late 20th-century European grammarians, philosophers, logicians and linguists, as well as some 19th-century Chilean grammarians and lexicographers of the Spanish language."--
해제Provided by publisher.
회의명International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (13th : 2014 : Vila Real, Portugal)
일반주제명Linguistics --History --Congresses.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --Linguistics --Historical & Comparative.


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