대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Health care : how can we reduce costs and still get the care we need?

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Health care : how can we reduce costs and still get the care we need?/ Mary Engel.
개인저자Engel, Mary,author.
형태사항1 online resource (16 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Engel, Mary. Health Care : How Can We Reduce Costs and Still Get the Care We Need? Ashland : National Issues Forums Institute, ?015
내용주기Cover ; About This Issue Guide; Introduction: Health Care: How Can We Reduce Costs and Still Get the Care We Need?; Higher Spending, Poorer Health; What Can Be Done?; Option One: As a Nation and as Individuals, We Need to Live within Our Means; Competing Values; Making Medicare Last; The Conversation; More at Stake; What We Could Do; Option Two: Make Health Care More Transparent, Accountable, and Efficient; Follow the Money; The American Way of Birth; Increasing Coordination, Shutting Out Big Pharma; End the Seller's Market; What We Could Do
Option Three: Take Responsibility for Lowering Health-Care Costs by Focusing on WellnessThe New Tobacco; Sticks and Carrots; Wellness Pays; What We Could Do; Summary: Health Care: How Can We Reduce Costs and Still Get the Care We Need?
일반주제명Political science.
Political science.
POLITICAL SCIENCE --Public Policy --Social Security.
POLITICAL SCIENCE --Public Policy --Social Services & Welfare.


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