대구한의대학교 향산도서관



The Status Civilization

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항The Status Civilization.
개인저자Sheckley, Robert,author.
발행사항Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Sheckley, Robert. Status Civilization. Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, ?015
요약On a savage prison planet, a reluctant killer searches for his memory He awakes in the cell, his mind blank save for a faint memory of standing over a dead man with a gun. Guilty of murder, his brain has been wiped, and he has been transported to Omega, the prison planet, where evil is worshipped as a god. His jailers inform him of his name, Will Barrent, his crime, and the average life expectancy in his new home: three years. Every day will be a battle for survival, and one day, he will lose. Although run by criminals, Omega is hardly lawless. The population has been divided into an intricate caste system, and Barrent is on the bottom. The only way to advance in rank is to kill. While Barrent knows in his bones that he is no murderer, he sees no alternative but to give in to the crime that sent him here. He will kill if he must, but he will never lose himself again.
일반주제명Fiction in English.


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