대구한의대학교 향산도서관



The Sea-Wolf

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항The Sea-Wolf.
개인저자London, Jack,author.
발행사항Open Road Media, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource.
요약In one of the greatest sea stories ever told, a writer discovers his true nature in confrontation with a mad ship captain As Humphrey van Weyden rides a ferry across San Francisco Bay, he reflects proudly on the publication of his latest essay in the Atlantic. When a sudden collision rips a hole in the ship's hull, the ferry sinks like a stone, throwing the literary critic into the icy harbor. Rescued by the Ghost, a seal-hunting vessel, van Weyden counts his blessings. Little does he know he's boarded a ship bound straight for hell. Brilliant and amoral, Capt. Wolf Larsen rules the Ghost with an iron fist. Forced into backbreaking service as a cabin boy, van Weyden watches helplessly as Larsen terrorizes his crew. But when mounting tensions finally result in outright mutiny, the mild-mannered intellectual will be forced to take a stand against the ruthless tyrant who saved his life. A rousing tale of adventure inspired by author Jack London's own maritime experiences, The Sea-Wolf has influenced writers including Ernest Hemingway, George Orwell, and Jack Kerouac. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.
주제명(지명)Arctic regions --Fiction.
Arctic Regions. --fast
일반주제명Sealers (Persons) --Fiction.
Sealing ships --Fiction.
Ship captains --Fiction.
Sealers (Persons)
Sealing ships.
Ship captains.


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