대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Dock boss : Eddie McGrath and the West Side waterfront

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Dock boss : Eddie McGrath and the West Side waterfront/ by Neil G. Clark.
개인저자Clark, Neil G.,author.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: 9781569808139 1569808139

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Waterfront Gang charts -- Prologue: Gang rule - a longshoreman's story -- 1. Growing pains -- 2. Let the liquor flow -- 3. 1929: robberies and more arrests -- 4. 1930: the gangster's Great Depression -- 5. New friends -- 6. The gang's all here -- 7. Rubel -- 8. The West Side wars: the trouble with Red and Tommy -- 9. The West Side wars: returning fire -- 10. The West Side wars: reputations are made -- 11. The West Side wars: on the offensive -- 12. The West Side wars: the end and the beginning -- 13. Loose ends -- 14. Loading -- 15. Boss Joe and the boys -- 16. Spaghetti dinners -- 17. Varick -- 18. Let the good times roll -- 19. Ghosts from the past -- 20. The best of the west -- 21. 1940 -- 22. Coercion -- 23. In Florida we trust -- 24. War rations -- 25. The rebels -- 26. 61 Grove Street -- 27. The trial -- 28. Troubles -- 29. Crime on the waterfront -- 30. Condemned -- 31. Under pressure -- 32. Blowing up -- 33. A new life -- 34. Crime commission -- 35. War zone -- 36. "Like water off my back" -- 37. Top hoodlum? -- 38. The daily grind -- 39. A tangled web -- 40. A dentist, a stockbroker and a gangster -- Acknowledgements -- Selected bibliography -- Index.
주제명(개인명)McGrath, Eddie(Edward J.), -- 1906-
일반주제명Gangsters --New York (State) --New York --Biography.
Organized crime --New York (State) --New York --History --20th century.
Stevedores --Labor unions --New York (State) --New York --History --20th century.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Criminology


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