대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Voice leading : the science behind the musical art

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Voice leading : the science behind the musical art/ David Huron.
개인저자Huron, David Brian.
발행사항Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, [2016].
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Huron, David Brian. Voice leading. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, [2016] 9780262034852

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Preface; 1 Introduction; Plan; 2 The Canon; Rules of Voice Leading Reviewed; 3 Sources and Images; Hearing; The Packaging of Partials; Localization Cues; The Pleasures of Stereo; The Theater of the Mind; Auditory Streams; The Pleasures of Puzzle Solving; Reprise; 4 Principles of Image Formation; Harmonicity; Harmonic Fusion; Toneness; Reprise; 5 Auditory Masking; More about Masking; Auditory Irritation; Consonance; Reprise; 6 Connecting the Dots; Continuity; Pitch Proximity; Melodic Motion: The Yodel Boundary; Pitch Co-Modulation; Reprise; 7 Preference Rules
Preference Rules from Multiple PrinciplesReprise; 8 Types of Part-Writing; Onset Synchrony; Why Does Homophony Exist?; Yet More Preference Rules; Scene Density; Timbre; Source Location; Reprise; 9 Embellishing Tones; Turn Taking; Reprise; 10 The Feeling of Leading; Time's Arrow; Going Somewhere: Voice Leading; Imitative Part-Writing; Pause; Reprise; 11 Chordal-Tone Doubling; Reprise; 12 Direct Intervals Revisited; The Muddled Middle; Reprise; 13 Hierarchical Streams; The Harmonic Forest; Reprise; 14 Scene Setting; Acousmatic Scenes; Designing Musical Scenes; Why the Baroque Canon?; Reprise
15 The Cultural ConnectionThe Sound of Speech; Language and Closure; A Lesson; Reprise; 16 Ear Teasers; Musical Scene Analysis; Plural Pleasures: Accommodating Multiple Goals; Reprise; 17 Conclusion; Pleasure; Setting Scenes; A Revised Voice-Leading Canon; Performance Considerations; Coda; Afterword; Acknowledgments; Notes; 1 Introduction; 2 The Canon; 3 Sources and Images; 4 Principles of Image Formation; 5 Auditory Masking; 6 Connecting the Dots; 7 Preference Rules; 8 Types of Part-Writing; 9 Embellishing Tones; 10 The Feeling of Leading; 11 Chordal-Tone Doubling
12 Direct Intervals Revisited13 Hierarchical Streams; 14 Scene Setting; 15 The Cultural Connection; 16 Ear Teasers; 17 Conclusion; Afterword; References; Index
요약An accessible scientific explanation for the traditional rules of voice leading, including an account of why listeners find some musical textures more pleasing than others.
Music --Psychological aspects.
Musical perception.
Music --Psychological aspects.
Musical perception.
MUSIC / Instruction & Study / Theory


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