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Angular design patterns [electronic resource] implement the Gang of Four patterns in your apps with Angular

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Angular design patterns : implement the Gang of Four patterns in your apps with Angular/ Mathieu Nayrolles. [electronic resource].
개인저자Nayrolles, Mathieu,author.
발행사항Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2018.
형태사항1 online resource: illustrations.

내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: TypeScript Best Practices; Environment setup; Node.js and npm for Linux; TypeScript; Quick overview; Best practices; Naming; Interface redefinitions; Getters and setters; Constructor; Type guards; Enumerator; Pitfalls; Type-casting and JSON; Inheritance and polymorphism; Summary; Chapter 2: Angular Bootstrapping; Architectural overview; Component; Services; Directives; Pipes; Routes; Angular CLI; Installation; Creating a new application; Generating; Serving; Deploying; Summary
Chapter 3: Classical PatternsComponents; Singleton; Factory method; Observer; TypeScript observables with parameters; Observing HTTP responses; Implementation; Understanding the implementation; Promises; Summary; Chapter 4: Navigational Patterns; MVC; Model-view-controller at large; Model-view-controller limitations for the frontend; Angular's model-view-controller; Redux; Summary; Chapter 5: Stability Patterns; Timeouts; Circuit breaker; Factory; Memento; Summary; Chapter 6: Performance Patterns; AJAX overkill; Proxy patterns; Loop count; Change detection and immutable states
Prototype and the reusable poolSummary; Chapter 7: Operation Patterns; General health metrics; Specific metrics; Error reporting; Method metrics with AOP; Summary; Other Books You May Enjoy; Index
요약This book will provide clear guidance on how to work through the most valuable design patterns effectively in Angular. You will explore some of the best ways to work with Angular to meet the performance required in the web development world. You will also learn the best practices to improve your productivity and the code base of your application.
AngularJS (Software framework)
AngularJS (Software framework) --fast
일반주제명Application software --Development.
Web site development.
Web applications.
Software patterns.
Application software --Development.
Software patterns.
Web applications.
Web site development.


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