대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Fifty reasons to say "goodbye" : a novel

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Fifty reasons to say "goodbye" : a novel/ by Nick Alexander.
개인저자Alexander, Nick.
발행사항New York: Atlantic Books Ltd, 2011.
형태사항1 online resource (309 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Table of Contents; Prologue; French Films; A Loving Relationship; A Beautiful Tart; Dork; Bus Dream; Eric Cantona; Gone Again; Mum Knows Best; Think of England; Quick Moves; My German Heroin; Medieval Obsessions; Roberto di Milano; City of Angels; Italian Duo; Words Fail; Chic Girls; Guy; Julian Barclay; Blow; Clueless; Friends Forever; Sell By Date; Being Clear; Drunk and Lonely; Slimming Stripes; Saxman; Won't Hurt A Bit; Easter Surprise; Members Only; And You Thought You Were Gay?; The Universe Lets Us Down; Any Friend Of The Egg Man ... ; Bordeaux Biker ...
이용제한사항Owing to Legal Deposit regulations this resource may only be accessed from within National Library of Scotland. For more information contact enquiries@nls.uk.
요약Mark is looking for love in all the wrong places. He always ignores the warning signs, preferring to dream, time and again, that he has met the perfect lover until finally, one day ... Through fifty vivid snapshots of life as a young gay man in Brighton, Mark takes us on a very funny tour of the modern dating minefield: from s & m nightclubs to chintzy b & bs, from disastrous blind dates to promising internet hookups ... It's all here. Wry, touching, witty and honest, 50 Reasons to Say Goodbye is a poignant exploration of that long winding road: the universal search for love.
일반주제명Gay men --Fiction.
Dating (Social customs) --Fiction.
FICTION --General.
Dating (Social customs)
Gay men.


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