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Instant running : Tips and techniques to get you moving

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Instant running : Tips and techniques to get you moving.
개인저자Ideas, Infinite.
발행사항Oxford: Infinite Ideas, 2012.
형태사항1 online resource (57 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Ideas, Infinite. Instant running : Tips and techniques to get you moving. Oxford : Infinite Ideas, ?012
내용주기Front cover; Title & subtitle; Table of contents; 1. Starting out; 2. Shoes; 3. When and where to run; 4. How far and how fast should I run?; 5. Running technique; 6. Give it a go; 7. Keeping track; 8. Running groups; 9. Music; 10. How to make health and fitness work for you; 11. Why nutrition is important; 12. Carbohydrates; 13. More carbohydrates; 14. Proteins; 15. Protein essentials; 16. When to eat; 17. Healthy and organic foods; 18. Losing weight; 19. The importance of breakfast; 20. Stay feeling full; 21. How to eat well for less; 22. Protein and nutritional supplements.
23. Common excuses for not exercising24. Staying motivated; 25. Avoid bad habits; 26. Relax and look back; 27. The importance of changing your routine; 28. How to measure your fitness; 29. Improving your fitness; 30. Interval training and fat loss; 31. Stretching; 32. Recovery and sleep; 33. Recovery proteins; 34. How to recover from exercise efficiently; 35. Dealing with injuries; 36. An introduction to weight training; 37. The difference between cardio exercise and weight training; 38. Major lower body muscle groups; 39. The 'teardrop muscle'; 40. How to exercise the quadriceps.
41. How to exercise the hamstrings42. How to exercise the calf muscles; 43. When to weight train and when to run; 44. Develop your sixth sense; 45. Further progression; 46. Your first marathon; 47. Quick tips; 48. Round-up; Copyright notice.
요약This book is all about running, health and fitness. The information is broken down into easy, bite-sized chapters that take you through your first few runs and on as far as you want to go. We begin with the basics, such as kit, and then give you hints on the right food to fuel your training along with tips about muscle care and recovery. There's also some advice on weight training and developing your lower body as well as some suggestions for using your new-found fitness. By presenting the information in short, 200-word chapters, we've made it easy for you to put ideas into practice quickly, s.
일반주제명Running --Training.
SPORTS & RECREATION --Running & Jogging.
Running --Training.


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