대구한의대학교 향산도서관



What have I done?

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항What have I done?/ Amanda Prowse.
개인저자Prowse, Amanda.
발행사항New York: Head of Zeus, 2013.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Prowse, Amanda. What Have I Done? New York : Head of Zeus, ?013 9781781851043
요약Could you destroy your family to save your children? Kathryn Brooker is the headmaster's wife. While her husband spends his days disciplining unruly teenagers in the grand halls of Mountbriers Academy, Kathryn spends hers baking scones for her son's cricket match in a beautiful cottage in the manicured school grounds. In the evenings, when her husband strides home to compliment her cooking and kiss her helloignoring jokes from their children about grown-up lovebirdsKathryn Brooker is the very picture of a fulfilled wife and mother. Anyone who peered through the downstairs sash window at the four figures sat easily around their scrubbed-pine kitchen table would see a happy family without a care in the world. They would envy Kathryn her perfect life. But they would be wrong. Kathryn is trapped in a nightmare. And she is about to do something to change it. Something only a truly desperate woman would do.
일반주제명Man-woman relationships --Fiction.
Family violence --Fiction.
FICTION --General.
FICTION --Contemporary Women.
Family violence.
Man-woman relationships.


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