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Instant ab workouts : Secrets of six pack success

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Instant ab workouts : Secrets of six pack success.
개인저자Ideas, Infinite.
발행사항Oxford: Infinite Ideas, 2011.
형태사항1 online resource (59 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Ideas, Infinite. Instant ab workouts : Secrets of six pack success. Oxford : Infinite Ideas, ?011
내용주기Front Cover; Title Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; Safety first; Finding your muscles; Work that transversus 1; Daily toning; Swiss ball basics; Swiss balls 1; Advanced Swiss balls; Swiss balls 2; The jack-knife; You complete plank; The side plank; The advanced side plank; The side plank that bends; Back to basics; Roman revenge; Hanging leg raises; Hanging leg raises 2; Two of the best; Hundreds; Transversus torture; Reverse curl; Swiss bridges; Swiss bridges 2; Crunchy balls; Transverse balls; Crunchy balls 2; Side crunch with balls; Ball balance; Extra crunchy balls.
More crunchy balls than mostSide crunch with two balls; Bicycling with balls; Wall ball crunch; Advanced side crunch; Only the strong survive; Oblique reaches; Are you pulling my leg?; Let's twist again; Curl ups; Curl ups with a twist; Roll ups; Leg-stretch cat; Take me to the bridge; Full body extension with a ball; Side crunch; Oblique leg roll; Roll back; Reach for the skies; Alternating legs; Double heel kicks; Cool down stretch 1 -- the cat; Cool down stretch 2 -- child's pose; Copyright notice.
요약You probably don't realise it but there's more than one set of muscles to your abs and many more ways of working them than spending hours doing punishing crunches in the gym. The rectus abdominis is your potential six-pack and the muscle most people are thinking of when they talk about abs, but your abs are made up of three sets of muscles. As well as the rectus abdominis there are the obliques in your side, which come into play when twisting and bending, and the transversus abdominis, which goes all the way across your stomach, behind the rectus abdominis. For maximum toning you need to work.
Physical fitness.
HEALTH & FITNESS --Healthy Living.
HEALTH & FITNESS --Reference.
MEDICAL --Preventive Medicine.
Physical fitness.


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