대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Justice for My Son : a Mothers Hunt for Justice

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Justice for My Son : a Mothers Hunt for Justice.
개인저자Duffy, Vera.
Duffy, Martin,
발행사항Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2012.
형태사항1 online resource (287 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Duffy, Vera. Justice for My Son : A Mothers Hunt for Justice. Dublin : Gill & Macmillan, ?012 9780717151004
일반주기 CopyrightAbout Gill & Macmillan.
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Introduction; Chapter 1: Kevin; Chapter 2: The Vaccinations; Chapter 3: The Association for Vaccine-Damaged Children; Chapter 4: Renee; Chapter 5: The Truth; Chapter 6: Alan; Chapter 7: Justice; Chapter 8: Long Battles; Chapter 9: The Verdict; Chapter 10: Looking for Meaning; Afterword; How Alan Duffy Died; Birth and Early Months of Life; The Unknown Vaccine Dangers facing Alan; Alan's Three Vaccinations; Assessing the Damage; The Case Goes Public; Post-Pertussis Brain Damage; Books and Websites for Further Information; Images; Dedication; Author's Note; Acknowledgments.
요약It is the story of how a healthy five-month-old baby was reduced to a vegetative state by a medical procedure that the public authorities and the medical profession have refused to accept was in any way responsible.
주제명(개인명)Duffy, Vera.
Alan Duffy,1973-1995.
일반주제명Pertussis vaccines --Government policy --Ireland.
Whooping cough --Vaccination --Complications.
Mothers --Ireland --Biography.
Brain-damaged children --Ireland --Biography.
MEDICAL --Forensic Medicine.
MEDICAL --Preventive Medicine.
MEDICAL --Public Health.


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