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Tales from an Irish Barber Shop : Short Back and Sides

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서명/저자사항Tales from an Irish Barber Shop : Short Back and Sides.
개인저자Quinn, Peter.
발행사항Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2012.
형태사항1 online resource (398 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Quinn, Peter. Tales from an Irish Barber Shop : Short Back and Sides. Dublin : Gill & Macmillan, ?012 9780717149414

일반주기 'Just a Minute': The sixty-second quiz.
내용주기Cover; Title; Barber-shop conversations; Aurora borealis on tour; The Passion of the Christ; UFO; History in the making (the good old days); The Irish cricket team; Noah's ark; Turn down that racket!; Obama; On Bush; A Taoiseach's salary; Apr?s match; Arctic diversion; Clever entrepreneurs; Trolley dollies; The jingle post; Recycling tip for junk mail!; Not so loud; Alopecia; Culture shock; Jet lag; Che Shay; Atten?; Yoko; Financial crisis; At the races; More financial crisis remarks; Fake tan; Bank policy; Exam weather; Courtmacsherry; The sweetest revenge; Iraqi weather.
You don't know what a recession is!How to catch a cold; Frustrated tourist; Male chauvinist; The mysterious case of the missing gnome; Next, please; Bail-out; Karma man; Television licence crackdown; Travellers (redefined); M50 mystery solved; Diverted funds; If I found a cure for baldness; Compulsive gambler; Murphy's Law; Thinking big; First Indian manned space flight; Waiter, there's a ring in my soup; Trim his eyebrows; Brendan Behan's cat trick; Tinfoil highlights; Oestrogen in the water!; There's always one; Microwave-seal test; Sacred cheese; Jaws; Cobblers; Bob Monkhouse; 'Wonderwall'
Out of shapeSnow everywhere!; A black eye from Fianna F?il; Hopeless case; Showjumping, Tallafornia style; Just looking!; Real estate; The way we were; B & Q; Yasmina and Kate; More Yasmina and Kate; A great weekend; The joy of repetition; Baltimore, Co. Cork-what a place!; The Western burqa; Aslan; Unibrow; New aftershave for Travellers; Due decorum; Downloading music; A smoking gun; Witty banner; Goodbye, Greens; Frost/Nixon, Cowen/Lenihan; Off your trolley; Whacko; Haughey's PR; Johnny Depp's sunglasses; Girls do it better; BOD; Summer job; Periwinkle-smugglers.
Bad things happen in threes . . .Antiques; Bank shares; Rock gods play golf!; Classified ads; The living dead; On women; Recession greetings; Born in the wrong country; More recession greetings; Double standards; Space race; The great mobile-phone conspiracy; Surf's up!; Interrogation; Ireland's diaspora, interesting fact; Bodyboards; Great party the other night . . .; Steak football; Galway Races; The Irish crown jewels; The dog knows; Brendan Behan; Pensioners; Lunsters; Bono's table; Strange shower; Down and out-of the country!; Michael Collins; Credit card minimum-payment bill.
U2 360 Croke ParkSwine flu; Phil Lynott; The Aviva Stadium; The banks again . . .; You won't believe me if I tell you; Irish traffic lights; The demon barber!; The Malahide railway bridge collapse; Directions in Ireland . . .; Witty Dublin place-names; Strange fashion . . .; Can't wait for tomorrow!; L'Or?al economics; Euro-style; The writing's on the wall; A creamy pint of black; An expert at partitions?; Dry hair; Jekyll-and-Hyde weather; Even your tractor isn't safe!; Far and Away; A new style; Time machine; Dino's Bar and Grill; The spud; The wit of George Bernard Shaw.
요약There is something about barber shop conversations that sets them apart from the usual small talk. These exchanges are enjoyed on both sides of the chair. Here is a range of stories from funny to eye opening.
주제명(지명)Ireland. --fast
일반주제명Barbershops --Ireland --Humor.


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