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Lost city Moody Diamond edition

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Lost city/ by Carrie E. Gruhn.
개인저자Gruhn, Carrie E.,author.
판사항Moody Diamond edition.
형태사항1 online resource: illustrations.
기타형태 저록Print version: Gruhn, Carrie E. Trumpet in Zion. Lost city. Moody Diamond ed. Chicago : Moody Press, 1969, ?951
일반주기 Formerly: A trumpet in Zion.
요약"South of the Dead Sea, between Palestine and Jordan, nestles Petra and the Wadi Musa. That ancient "rose-red city, half as old as time," lies deeply recessed in the Edomite mountains virtually impregnable against attack. It is a place of natural grandeur with rocky tomb-temples, rediscovered in the last century and doubtless the secret capital of a once prosperous Arabian trading empire. No wonder archaeologists have endured the hardships of the terrain to gaze upon its well preserved rock-hewn structures, and write scholarly papers about its mysteries.Set against this background, Lost City is the story of a Jewish girl who leaves Europe at the end of the War but soon finds herself in need of the protection Petra affords. The plot leads on to the events described in the book of Revelation, and the events foretold in Scripture are seen through the eyes and lives of those who undergo its tribulations.This prophetic fiction vividly recounts the pressures of Jewish persecution and the full shock of coming prophetic events."--
해제Provided by publisher.
통일서명Trumpet in Zion
주제명(지명)Middle East --Fiction.
Middle East. --fast
일반주제명Jewish girls --Fiction.
Prophecies --Fiction.
FICTION / Religious.
FICTION / Jewish.
Jewish girls.


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