대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Bury me with barbie First edition

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Bury me with barbie/ by Wyborn Senna.
개인저자Senna, Wyborn,author.
판사항First edition.
형태사항1 online resource.
요약Caresse Redd is 37. She is divorced. She is a mom. She is tired. She is also in love with vintage Barbie dolls. In fact, in the course of answering personal ads and going on dates so she can write a story about her experiences for the newspaper she works at, she comes to the conclusion no man can stack up to her beloved hobby of Barbie collecting. What she doesnt know is that the scoop of a lifetime looms on the horizon. A woman bent on revenge against adversaries on the Best Barbie Board for slights including being accused of having a vintage doll gown with a repro rose and removing freckles from a Midge doll with nail polish remover is prowling her way across the country from Oswego to Walnut Creek, taking not only the lives of those who have tormented her but their doll collections as well. Its up to Caresse to help detectives connect the dots and figure out who the killer is before more lives are taken, but can she do it?
주제명(개인명)Barbie -- (Fictitious character)Fiction.
Barbie -- (Fictitious character)fast --
일반주제명Barbie dolls --Fiction.
Journalists --Fiction.
Barbie dolls.
FICTION / General


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