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Gesta Romanorum

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서명/저자사항Gesta Romanorum.
개인저자Swan, Charles,1797-.
Hooper, Wynnard,
발행사항New York: Dover Publications, 2014.
형태사항1 online resource (973 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Swan, Charles. Gesta Romanorum. Newburyport : Dover Publications, ?014 9780486205359
일반주기 XXXVI. Discourse of a philosopher before a certain king.
내용주기Cover; Title page; Copyright; Preface; Introduction; Outlines of The Tales; I.A king's daughter, guarded by five soldiers, elopes with a duke. She is subsequently received back by her father; II. Of duty towards parents; III. How that the law punishes not twice for the same offence; IV. Of the conflicting claims of mercy and justice; V. How a youth, taken by pirates, was left in prison by his father, but released by his captor's daughter; VI. How that inconsiderate oaths do not continue of force for ever.
VII. How a Roman nobleman had two sons, of whom one married a harlot, and was at first rejected but afterwards received by his fatherVIII. Story of a statue with a golden ring, beard, and cloak; IX. How the son of a certain emperor wished to slay him, but was dissuaded from his purpose; X. Of the rings of Memory and Oblivion; XI. Story of the queen's daughter who was nourished on poison; XII. Of a wonderful rivulet that flowed through the jaw's of a putrid dog; XIII. A queen commits incest, but being penitent is saved; XIV. Story of a son who left his mother and rescued his father.
XV. The life of St. AlexiusXVI. An emperor discovers a sarcophagus with certain words engraved on it; XVII. Story of Guido, who rendered six kinds of service to a certain emperor; XVIII. How a certain Julian unwittingly killed his parents; XIX. Of the quarrel between Pompey and C탎ar, and of the passage of the Rubicon; XX. How the Emperor Conrad unconsciously caused the fulfilment of a prophecy which had filled him with anger; XXI. How a king of Laced탆on sent secret intelligence to his countrymen; XXII. How the Egyptians honoured Isis and Serapis.
XXIII. Of the burning on the funeral pile of an emperor's bodyXXIV. Of a magician who enticed his enemies into an enchanted garden and destroyed them; XXV. A lady, whose dominions have been laid waste by a certain king, is defended by a pilgrim, who is slain during the battle; XXVI. Of a queen's illegitimate son, who was clothed in garments half poor, half costly; XXVII. How an emperor left his daughter in charge of a seneschal, who disobeyed the orders given him, and was put to a miserable death.
XXVIII. How, through the cunning of an old woman, a youth obtained the love of a noble married ladyXXIX. How the skin of a certain unjust judge was nailed on the judgment seat; XXX. How a certain king treated his generals when victorious; XXXI. The remarks of certain philosophers on the death of Alexander the Great; XXXII. Remark of Seneca on poisoned corpses.; XXXIII. Of a tree on which three successive wives of one man hanged themselves; XXXIV. Aristotle's advice to Alexander; XXXV. How Roman noblemen became reconciled after being at variance.
요약Discover one of the greatest collections of medieval literature with this historic work, which features more than 180 tales of Greeks, Romans, Britons, biblical figures, and others. Drawn from European and Asian sources, the stories abound in fascinating figures from all walks of life, including Pope Gregory, Noah, Socrates, and a host of other characters, from emperors to pirates. Chaucer, Boccaccio, and Shakespeare are among the writers influenced by these fables, and readers may recognize scenes reminiscent of The Merchant of Venice, King Lear, ""The Lawyer's Tale"" from Canterbury Tales, an.
일반주제명Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern) --Translations into English.
Didactic literature, Latin (Medieval and modern) --Translations into English.
Tales, Medieval --Translations into English.
Exempla --Early works to 1800.
FICTION --General.
Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern)
Didactic literature, Latin (Medieval and modern)
Tales, Medieval.


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