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""Smile While You Still Have Teeth"" and Other Little Life Tips

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서명/저자사항""Smile While You Still Have Teeth"" and Other Little Life Tips.
개인저자Crombie, Catriona.
발행사항Bath: Crombie Jardine Publishing Limited, 2014.
형태사항1 online resource (89 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Crombie, Catriona. ""Smile While You Still Have Teeth"" and Other Little Life Tips. Bath : Crombie Jardine Publishing Limited, ?014
일반주기 Www.crombiejardine.com.
내용주기Title Page; INTRODUCTION; NOTE; Accept criticism; Accept things you can't change; Accept compliments graciously; Anger is bad for you; Ask; Attitude is everything; Avoid drama; Be adventurous; Beauty isn't perfection; Before you spend, earn; Before you quit, try again; Be grateful; Be kind; Be loyal; Be optimistic; Be yourself; Celebrate individuality; Cherish your family; Contentment is good; Dare to fail; Delegate; Ditch the doubt; Ditch the food guilt; Don't deceive; Don't decide when you're sad; Don't take any nonsense; Don't take on too much; Don't whine; Dream on; Embrace change.
Enjoy the little thingsEnjoy your own company; Fear is draining; Forgive quickly; Give your time; Have fun; If it feels wrong, don't do it; If you're in a quandary, ask X; Ignore negative people; Improve your argument; Integrity is doing the right thing; Keep active; Keep your head & standards high; Keep your promises; Know when to leave; Laugh; Learn things for fun; Let it be; Live in the present; Live with less; Look after your health; Look forward; Nobody's ever "too busy"; Only get a pet if you can commit!; Overthinking is a kind of fear; Plan for your future; Read; Read between the lines.
Remember KarmaSay it before it's too late; Send letters and cards; Sleep soundly; Smile while you still have teeth; Stand up to your enemies; Stop making excuses; Style & fashion are not the same; Take a nap; Take chances; Texting whilst drunk is a bad idea; Think about that tattoo; Think & listen before you react; Think yourself happy; Time will show what matters; Travel; Turn it off; Value old friends; Volunteer; When in doubt, dress up; When life gives you lemons . . .; When you're right, keep quiet; When you're wrong, apologize; Work hard; Worry less; Your happiness is up to you.
요약A collection of handy little life tips to help you get things into perspective.
일반주제명Conduct of life.
PHILOSOPHY --Ethics & Moral Philosophy.
Conduct of life.


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