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Yoga girls' club : do yoga, make art, be you

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서명/저자사항Yoga girls' club : do yoga, make art, be you/ Tiffani Bryant.
개인저자Bryant, Tiffani Olivia,author.
형태사항1 online resource (194 pages): illustrations.
기타형태 저록Print version: Bryant, Tiffani. Yoga girls' club : do yoga, make art, be you. London, England ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Singing Dragon, ?015 192 pages 9781848192591

내용주기YOGA GIRLS' CLUB: Do Yoga, Make Art, Be You; Introduction; Chapter 1. Creating My Space; Gathering Supplies; Coloring My World; Wisdom; Intention; Setting My Intentions; Chapter 2. Practicing Yoga; What is Yoga?; Petals of Yoga; Chapter 3. Breathing; Three-Part Breathing; Ocean Breathing; Alternate Nostril Breathing; Chapter 4. Flowing Postures; Cat and CowMarjaryasana and Bitilasana; Spinal Balance; MountainTadasana; Upward SaluteUrdhva Hastasana; ChairUtkatasana; Forward FoldUttanasana; Crescent LungeAnjaneyasana; Child's PoseBalasana; Downward-Facing DogAdho Mukha Svanasana; Flow Your Flow.
PlankKnee Down Four-Limbed StaffKnee Down Chataranga Dandasana; Baby CobraBhujangasana; Four-Limbed StaffChataranga Dandasana; Upward-Facing DogUrdhva Mukha Svanasana; Vinyasa; Breathing with Intention; Sun SalutationsSurya Namaskar; Chapter 5. Standing Postures; Lateral FlexionArdha Chandrasana; Warrior IIVirabhadrasana II; TriangleTrikonasana; Goddess SquatUtkata Konasana; Standing StraddlePrasarita Padottanasana; Chapter 6. Balancing Postures; TreeVrksasana; DancerNatarajasana; Warrior IIIVirabhadrasana III; Balancing Half MoonArdha Chandrasana; Bird of ParadiseSvarga Dvidasana.
Chapter 7. Sitting PosturesThunderboltVajrasana; ButterflyBaddha Konasana; BoatNavasana; TablePurvottanasana; Seated Spinal TwistArdha Matsyendrasana; Comfortable SeatSukhasana; Chapter 8. Inverting Postures; BridgeSetu Bandha Sarvangasana; Upward-Facing BowUrdhva Dhanurasana; Legs up the WallViparita Karani; Chapter 9. Reclining Postures; Reclined Spinal TwistSupta Parivartanasana; Happy BabyAnanda Balasana; Relaxation PoseSavasana; Chapter 10. Yoga Flows; Creativity Flow; Inspiration Flow; Calm Down Flow; Wake Up Flow; Chapter 11. Meditating; Sound the Quiet; Attune to Center.
Move to StillnessChapter 12. Making Stuff that Matters; My Cosmic Pond; Zine Designing; Yogini Making; Mala Making; Defeating Your Gremlin(s); Mask Making; Haiku Writing; Dreamscapes; Chapter 13. Yogini Being; What is a Yogini?; Yogini State of Mind; Yogini Manifesto; Taking Yoga Classes; Types of Yoga; Styles of Yoga; Namaste; Glossary.
요약Yoga Girls' Club is a non-judgemental and fun environment for self-exploration where girls and young women can feel empowered to manage the changes, challenges and social pressures of teen life with confidence and self-awareness. The interactive workbook format introduces girls to yoga and meditation and offers frequent opportunities for self-reflection through short drawing and writing exercises, enabling girls to explore who they are and what they believe, in a positive and affirming way. The book guides the reader through 43 illustrated, easy-to-follow yoga postures, each with unique benefit.
HEALTH & FITNESS / Healthy Living
HEALTH & FITNESS / Reference
MEDICAL / Preventive Medicine


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