대구한의대학교 향산도서관



The American Crisis

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항The American Crisis.
개인저자Paine, Thomas.
발행사항Tustin: Xist Publishing, 2015.
형태사항1 online resource (277 pages).
총서사항Xist Classics
기타형태 저록Print version: Paine, Thomas. American Crisis. Tustin : Xist Publishing, ?015
일반주기 Editor's preface.; the crisis i. (these are the times that try men's souls); the crisis ii. to lord howe.; the crisis iii. (in the progress of politics); the crisis iv. (those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom); the crisis. v. to gen. sir william howe.; the crisis vi. (to the earl of carlisle and general clinton); the crisis vii. to the people of england.; the crisis viii. address to the people of england.; the crisis ix. (had america pursued her advantages); the crisis x. on the king of england's speech.; the crisis. xi. on the present state of news.
내용주기The crisis. xii. to the earl of shelburne.the crisis. xiii. thoughts on the peace, and probable advantages; a supernumerary crisis: to the people of america.
요약A Call for Independence ""These are the times that try men's souls.""--Thomas Paine, The American Crisis The American Crisis is a collection of articles that were written during the American Revolution arguing for Independence from England. The books were written so that even the common man could read and understand the meaning of the book.
주제명(개인명)Huddy, Joshua,-1782.
Asgill, Charles, -- Sir,1760?-1823.
Asgill, Charles, -- Sir,1760?-1823. -- fast --
Huddy, Joshua,-1782. -- fast --
주제명(회의명)American Revolution (1775-1783) fast
주제명(지명)United States --History --Revolution, 1775-1783.
일반주제명Political science --Early works to 1800.
Taxation --United States.
United States --History --Revolution, 1775-1783.
United States --Politics and government --1775-1783.
HISTORY --United States --State & Local --General.


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