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The emotional intelligence activity kit : 50 easy and effective exercises for building EQ First edition

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서명/저자사항The emotional intelligence activity kit : 50 easy and effective exercises for building EQ/ Adele B. Lynn and Janele R. Lynn.
개인저자Lynn, Adele B.
Lynn, Janele R,
Lynn, Adele B.
판사항First edition.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Lynn, Adele B. Emotional intelligence activity kit. First Edition 9780814449233

일반주기 Revised edition of: The emotional intelligence activity book, c2002.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Emotional intelligence : the framework for great performance -- How to use this book -- What you'll see for each activity -- A guide to the fifty activities -- The activities.
요약Imagine what would happen if you could quickly elevate the EQ score of everyone in your organization. Profitability, retention, and customer satisfaction would soar! Studies prove that emotional intelligence-knowing how to manage emotions, empathize, build relationships, and more-drives performance. But how do you get naturally resistant people to practice new ways of thinking?Trainers, coaches, and organizational development professionals can now break through and trigger lasting EQ improvements. The fifty original activities in The Emotional Intelligence Activity Kit help:Promote introspectionIncrease empathyImprove social skillsBoost personal influenceInspire purposeBring everyone on boardMake learning stickFrom setup instructions to debriefing questions, these simple exercises are quick to deploy and target key areas that benefit most from EQ training: leadership, project management, customer service, teamwork, sales, and more. Know-it-all bosses, overcompetitive colleagues, or leaders who rarely leave their offices-common EQ problems such as these damage not just camaraderie, but also results. Fix them fast, and create thriving, successful organizations.
일반주제명Emotional intelligence --Problems, exercises, etc.
Success in business --Problems, exercises, etc.
PSYCHOLOGY --Physiological Psychology.
Emotional intelligence.
Success in business.


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