대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties.
개인저자Emerson, Jane.
발행사항London, United Kingdom: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2015.
형태사항1 online resource (186).
기타형태 저록Print version: Emerson, Jane. Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties : A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Other Professionals. London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, ?015 9781849053907

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties: A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Other Professionals; Part 1. Overview of Numeracy Learning and Assessment; 1. Dyscalculia, Numeracy Difficulties and Specific Learning Difficulties; 2. How Pupils Learn; 3. What Is Numeracy?; 4. The Causes of Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties; 5. Assessment and Legislation; 6. Identifying and Diagnosing Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties; Part 2. Teaching; 7. Planning and Assessment for Teaching; 8. What to Teach; 9. How to Teach; 10. How Parents Can Help; Resources; References; Further Reading.
요약A complete, accessible guide to understanding dyscalculia and low numeracy, this book covers number sense and how the brain deals with numbers, assessment, planning intervention, what to teach, how to teach it and how parents can help. Essential for parents, teachers and education professionals working with a child with numerical difficulties.
일반주제명Mathematics --Study and teaching.
Acalculia in children.
Numeracy --Study and teaching.
Underachievers --Education.
MEDICAL --Gynecology & Obstetrics.
Acalculia in children.
Mathematics --Study and teaching.
Numeracy --Study and teaching.
Underachievers --Education.


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