대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Witness the magic;become like a child again

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Witness the magic;become like a child again.
개인저자Renee Guenette.
발행사항[Place of publication not identified]: Renee Guenette.
형태사항1 online resource.
요약When you choose to become like a child again and consciously live in harmony with the universal principles of energy, otherwise known as the Universal Laws, your whole life becomes filled with love, peace, abundance and joy. A magical transformation occurs as you experience balance in your life, moving from the world of the adult, who uses logic or mind, blending it with the world of the child, who uses compassion from the heart. Unlike other previously written books explaining the Universal Laws, Withess the Magic, Become Like a Child Again, makes the connection between living in accordance with the Laws and living like a child. It engages you to become a co-creator, consciously creating the life that you desire. Becoming like a child again and living in concert with the Universal Laws enables you to be totally free and uninhibited, play and have fun again, realize how perfect you are, live for today and turn hope into reality. If you choose to become like the young child again and function harmoniously with the Universal Laws, you consciously choose your every thought, belief, word and action, creating the life you wish to experience. Become like a child again and witness the magic. Rediscover the joy in your life that has been eluding you for so long.
일반주제명Inner child.
Self-actualization (Psychology)
PSYCHOLOGY --Applied Psychology.
SELF-HELP --Personal Growth --General.
SELF-HELP --Personal Growth --Happiness.
SELF-HELP --Personal Growth --Success.
Inner child.
Self-actualization (Psychology)


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