대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Nano-CMOS and post-CMOS electronics. Circuits and design

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Nano-CMOS and post-CMOS electronics. Circuits and design/ edited by Saraju P. Mohanty and Ashok Srivastava.
개인저자Mohanty, Saraju P.,editor,
Srivastava, Ashok(College teacher), editor,
형태사항1 online resource (xvi, 422 pages): illustrations.
총서사항Materials, circuits and devices series;30
기타형태 저록Print version: Nano-CMOS and post-CMOS electronics. Circuits and design. London, United Kingdom : The Institution of Engineering and Technology, [2016] 9781849199995

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기1. Self-healing analog/RF circuits -- 2. On-chip gate delay variability measurement in scaled technology node -- 3. Nanoscale FinFET devices for PVT-aware SRAM -- 4. Data stability and write ability enhancement techniques for FinFET SRAM circuits -- 5. Low-leakage techniques for nanoscale CMOS circuits -- 6. Thermal effects in carbon nanotube VLSI interconnects -- 7. Lumped electro-thermal modeling and analysis of carbon nanotube interconnects -- 8. High-level synthesis of digital integrated circuits in the nanoscale mobile electronics era -- 9. SPICEless RTL design optimization of nanoelectronic digital integrated circuits -- 10. Green on-chip inductors for three-dimensional integrated circuits: concepts, algorithms and applications -- 11. 3D NoC: a promising alternative for tomorrow's nanosystem design -- 12. A new paradigm towards performance centric computation beyond CMOS: DNA computing.
요약Over two volumes this work describes the modelling, design, and implementation of nano-scaled CMOS electronics, and the new generation of post-CMOS devices, at both the device and circuit levels.
요약"The demand for ever smaller and portable electronic devices has driven metal oxide semiconductor-based (CMOS) technology to its physical limit with the smallest possible feature sizes. This presents various size-related problems such as high power leakage, low-reliability, and thermal effects, and is a limit on further miniaturization. To enable even smaller electronics, various nanodevices including carbon nanotube transistors, graphene transistors, tunnel transistors and memristors (collectively called post-CMOS devices) are emerging that could replace the traditional and ubiquitous silicon transistor. This book explores these nanoelectronics at the circuit and systems levels including modelling and design approaches and issues. Topics covered include self-healing analog and radio frequency circuits; on-chip gate delay variability measurement in scaled technology node; nanoscale finFET devices for PVT aware SRAM; data stability and write ability enhancement techniques for finFET SRAM circuits; low-leakage techniques for nanoscale CMOS circuits; thermal effects in carbon nanotube VLSI interconnects; lumped electro-thermal modeling and analysis of carbon nanotube interconnects; high-level synthesis of digital integrated circuits in the nanoscale mobile electronics era; SPICEless RTL design optimization of nanoelectronic digital integrated circuits; green on-chip inductors for three-dimensional integrated circuits; 3D network-on-chips; and DNA computing. This book is essential reading for researchers, research-focused industry designers/developers, and advanced students working on next-generation electronic devices and circuits."--Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Metal oxide semiconductors, Complementary --Design and construction.
Metal oxide semiconductors, Complementary --Design and construction.


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