대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Each day : a veteran educator's guide to raising children

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Each day : a veteran educator's guide to raising children/ Z. Vance Wilson.
개인저자Wilson, Zebulon Vance,author.
형태사항1 online resource (xiii, 157 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Wilson, Zebulon Vance. Each day. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2017] 9781475827767

일반주기 Includes index.
내용주기A humane intelligence -- Anonymous heroism -- Toughness -- Band of brothers -- Eighth grade -- A boy's voice -- The hours -- The quality of being there -- Too much of a good thing -- Let the rumpus begin -- On specialization -- An eternal present -- A prophet in his own homeland -- A rough coming -- Silence -- Rhythm: keeping the difficult balance -- Mark each day -- The road to Emmaus: a language of God -- Faith, vocation, and work -- For God and for the state -- I will sing unto the Lord -- The philosopher's stone -- Good time, inhuman time -- Chancing the arm -- And miles to go -- Our man Micah -- The prodigal son -- Anna and the sniper -- Philip -- Harvard or heaven? -- What wakes you up in the middle of the night -- What benefits our labors -- An authoritative community -- Silas Marner and me -- Parade out the gargoyles -- Scaffolding and learning -- The freedom to choose one's way -- Let the children come -- The eagle and the selfies -- My students, now -- What we desire.
요약In vibrant prose, Z. Vance Wilson offers insight to anyone, whether parent or teacher, responsible for guiding children on the joyous, difficult, and ever-unpredictable path to becoming their best selves intellectually, socially, morally, and spiritually. With judiciousness, good will, and humor (all sharpened as head of a leading boys'school in Washington, D.C.), Wilson puts forth a clear set of principles, both practical and idealistic, for adults directing children toward wisdom and joy. An award-winning novelist, Wilson draws on colorful tales from his childhood in the American south, rousing episodes in history, and a remarkable assortment of poems, novels, and biblical readings, to illustrate the challenges children face and to illuminate the ways adults may best reach and teach them.
일반주제명Child rearing.
Child rearing.


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