대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Rhetoric of the pulpit : a preacher's guide to effective sermons

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서명/저자사항Rhetoric of the pulpit : a preacher's guide to effective sermons/ Jon Meyer Ericson.
개인저자Ericson, Jon Meyer,author.
형태사항1 online resource (xviii, 120 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Ericson, Jon Meyer. Rhetoric of the pulpit. Eugene, Oregon : Wipf & Stock Publishers, [2016] 1498235204

서지주기Includes bibliographical references (pages 117-118) and index.
내용주기Invention: the search for content -- Arrangement of the content -- Effective language usage -- Delivery and memory.
요약The Rhetoric of the Pulpit treats the sermon as the single most important factor in evangelism for a parish, and also the most important factor in the spiritual growth of both the congregation and the pastor. With emphasis on the Word as the foundation, the author adds music and liturgy to the sermon's structure to build a unified worship experience. Recognizing that the Word is truth, but that the truth needs to be made to seem true, the book offers sound, practical advice on sermon preparation based on both classical and contemporary communication theory. Sermon preparation is viewed as a process that begins with downloading the Word, followed by productive meditation. The process then moves through the rhetorical steps, from a search for content to the sermon's delivery. Throughout the book, the rhetorical principles are treated as a subordinate element to the Word, a means of giving effectiveness to the truth. The Rhetoric of the Pulpit aims to reflect the spirit of Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Paul, and Kenneth Burke.
RELIGION --Christian Ministry --Preaching.


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