대구한의대학교 향산도서관



The Merchant of Venice

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항The Merchant of Venice.
개인저자Shakespeare, William.
발행사항Lanham: Dancing Unicorn Books, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource (82 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Shakespeare, William. Merchant of Venice. Lanham : Dancing Unicorn Books, ?016
내용주기DRAMATIS PERSONAE; ACT I; ACT I. SCENE I. Venice. A street; ACT I. SCENE II. Belmont. PORTIA'S house; ACT I. SCENE III. Venice. A public place; ACT II; ACT II. SCENE I. Belmont. PORTIA'S house; ACT II. SCENE II. Venice. A street; ACT II. SCENE III. Venice. SHYLOCK'S house; ACT II. SCENE IV. Venice. A street; ACT II. SCENE V. Venice. Before SHYLOCK'S house; ACT II. SCENE VI. Venice. Before SHYLOCK'S house; ACT II. SCENE VII. Belmont. PORTIA's house; ACT II. SCENE VIII. Venice. A street; ACT II. SCENE IX. Belmont. PORTIA'S house; ACT III; ACT III. SCENE I. Venice. A street.
ACT III. SCENE II. Belmont. PORTIA'S houseACT III. SCENE III. Venice. A street; ACT III. SCENE IV. Belmont. PORTIA'S house; ACT III. SCENE V. Belmont. The garden; ACT IV; ACT IV. SCENE I. Venice. The court of justice; ACT IV. SCENE II. Venice. A street; ACT V.
요약Deception and Pride-- Bassanio, a Venetian nobleman, wishes to woo the beautiful and wealthy Portia, but he is short on funds. So he turns to his friend Antonio, a wealthy merchant. Antonio agrees to help, but currently he is cash strapped as all of his ships are at sea. He agrees instead to guarantee a loan for Bassanio. Bassanio turns to Antonio's rival and enemy Shylock for the loan. I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano, - A stage, where every man must play a part; And mine a sad one.
주제명(지명)Venice (Italy) --Drama.
Italy. --fast
Italy --Venice. --fast
일반주제명Jews --Italy --Drama.
Moneylenders --Drama.
DRAMA --English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh.


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