대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Knowledge for the Time

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Knowledge for the Time.
개인저자Timbs, John.
발행사항Dinslaken: Anboco, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource (339 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Timbs, John. Knowledge for the Time: A Manual of Reading, Refful Curiosity, and Amusing Research. Dinslaken : anboco, ?016
일반주기 Title of Majesty, and the Royal "We."
내용주기KNOWLEDGE FOR THE TIME:; TO THE READER.; THE FRONTISPIECE.; CONTENTS.; KNOWLEDGE FOR THE TIME.; Historico-Political Information.; Politics not yet a Science.; The Philosopher and the Historian.; Whig and Tory Ministries.; Protectionists.; Rats, and Ratting.; The Heir to the British Throne always in Opposition.; Legitimacy and Government.; "The Fourth Estate."; Writing for the Press.; Shorthand Writers.; The Worth of Popular Opinion.; Machiavelism.; Free-speaking.; Speakers of the Houses of Parliament.; The National Conscience.; "The Nation of Shopkeepers."; Results of Revolutions.
Worth of a Republic."Safe Men."; Church Preferment.; Peace Statesmanship.; The Burial of Sir John Moore.; The Ancestors of Washington.; The "Star-spangled Banner" of the United States.; Ancestry of President Adams.; The Irish Union.; The House of Bonaparte.; Invasion of England projected by Napoleon I.; Fate of the Duc d'Enghien.; Last Moments of Mr. Pitt.; What drove George the Third mad.; Predictions of the Downfal of Napoleon I.; Wellington predicts the Peninsular Campaign.; The Battle of Waterloo.; Wellington's Defence of the Waterloo Campaign.; Lord Castlereagh at the Congress of Vienna.
The Cato-street Conspiracy. Money Panic of 1832.; A Great Sufferer by Revolutions.; Origin of the Anti-Corn-Law League.; Wellington's Military Administration.; Gustavus III. of Sweden.; Fall of Louis-Philippe.; The Chartists in 1848.; Revival of the French Emperorship.; French Coup d'Etat Predictions.; Statesmanship of Lord Melbourne.; Ungraceful Observance.; The Partition of Poland.; The Invasion of England.[2]; What a Militia can do.; White-Boys.; Naval Heroes.; How Russia is bound to Germany.; Count Cavour's Estimate of Napoleon III.; The Mutiny at the Nore.
Catholic Emancipation and Sir Robert Peel. The House of Coburg.; A Few Years of the World's Changes.; Noteworthy Pensions.; Progress of Civilization.; How the Earth was peopled.; Revelations of Geology.; The Stone Age.; What are Celtes?; Roman Civilization of Britain.; Roman Roads and British Railways.; Domestic Life of the Saxons.; Love of Freedom.; The Despot deceived.; True Source of Civilization.; The Lowest Civilization.; Why do we shake Hands?; Various Modes of Salutation.; What is Comfort?; What is Luxury?; What do we know of Life?; The truest Patriot the greatest Hero.
The old Philosophers. Glory of the Past.; Wild Oats.; How Shyness spoils Enjoyment.; "Custom, the Queen of the World."; Ancient Guilds and Modern Benefit Clubs.; The Oxford Man and the Cambridge Man.; "Great Events from Little Causes spring."; Great Britain on the Map of the World.; Ancient and Modern London.; Potatoes the national food of the Irish.; Irish-speaking Population.; Our Colonial Empire.; The English People.; Dignities and Distinctions.; Worth of Heraldry.; Heralds' College.; The Shamrock.; Irish Titles of Honour.; The Scotch Thistle.; King and Queen.
일반주제명Encyclopedias and dictionaries.
REFERENCE --Encyclopedias.
Encyclopedias and dictionaries.


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