대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Brewing legal times : things, form, and the enactment of law

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Brewing legal times : things, form, and the enactment of law/ Emily Grabham.
개인저자Grabham, Emily,author.
형태사항1 online resource (xi, 197 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Grabham, Emily. Brewing legal times. Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, [2016] 9781442646056 1442646055

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction: "The Eagerness of Objects"; 1 "Praxiographies" of Law and Time; 2 Progression; 3 A Likely Story; 4 Transition; 5 Balance; Epilogue: Apple Crates and Hinges; Bibliography; Index.
요약"Much socio-legal scholarship assumes that even if experiences of law and time differ, people and laws exist within an overarching, shared time-frame. In Brewing Legal Times, Emily Grabham boldly departs from this assumption, drawing on perspectives from actor-network theory, feminist theory, and legal anthropology to advance our understanding of law and time. Grabham argues that human, material, and legal relationships constantly generate new temporalities because of human and nonhuman interactions. By engaging with the creative potential of "things" such as cells, viruses, reports, legal documents, and more, our understanding of law and time is subject to change. In challenging the scholarship on the materiality of time and law, Brewing Legal Times encourages us to confront the multiple and mundane ways in which time is enacted through legal networks."--
해제Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Time (Law) --Philosophy.
LAW --Essays.
LAW --General Practice.
LAW --Jurisprudence.
LAW --Paralegals & Paralegalism.
LAW --Practical Guides.
LAW --Reference.
Time (Law) --Philosophy.


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