대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Caravan of martyrs : sacrifice and suicide bombing in Afghanistan

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Caravan of martyrs : sacrifice and suicide bombing in Afghanistan/ David B. Edwards.
개인저자Edwards, David B.,author.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Edwards, David B. Caravan of martyrs. Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2017] 9780520294790

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Sacrifice -- Honor -- Martyrdom -- Virtue and vice -- Fedayeen -- Suicide bombing -- Cyber jihad -- The widening gyre -- Afghan chronology (1964-2015).
요약"In Caravan of Martyrs, David Edwards argues that we need to understand the rise of suicide bombing in relation to the cultural beliefs and ritual practices associated with sacrifice. Before the war in Afghanistan began, the sacrificial killing of a sheep demonstrated a tribe's desire for peace. After the Soviet invasion of 1979, as thousands of people were killed, sacrifice took on new meanings. The dead were venerated as martyrs, but this informal conferral of status on the casualties of war soon became the foundation for a cult of martyrs exploited by political leaders for their own advantage. This first repurposing of the machinery of sacrifice set in motion a process of mutation that would lead nineteen Arabs who had received their training in Afghanistan to hijack airplanes on September 11 and that would in time transform what began as an Afghan-centered cult of martyrs into the transnational scattering of suicide bombers that haunts our world today. Drawing on years of research in the region, Edwards traces the transformation of sacrifice using a wide range of sources, including the early poetry of jihad, illustrated martyr magazines, school primers and legal handbooks, martyr hagiographies, videos produced by suicide bombers, the manual of ritual instructions used by the 9/11 hijackers, and Facebook posts through which contemporary 'Talifans' promote the virtues of self-destruction"--Provided by publisher.
주제명(지명)Afghanistan. --fast
일반주제명Martyrdom --Islam.
Sacrifice --Afghanistan.
Suicide bombings.
RELIGION --Islam --General.
Martyrdom --Islam.
Suicide bombings.


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