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Moses and Aaron : Civil and Ecclesiasticalsed by the Ancient Hebrews

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서명/저자사항Moses and Aaron : Civil and Ecclesiasticalsed by the Ancient Hebrews.
개인저자Goodwin, T. A.
발행사항Dinslaken: Anboco, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource (209 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Goodwin, T.A. Moses and Aaron : Civil and Ecclesiasticalsed by the Ancient Hebrews. Dinslaken : anboco, ?016
일반주기 CHAP. X. Their Coyns. First of brazen Coyns.
내용주기Moses and Aaron.; The first Book Treateth of Persons.; CHAP. I. Of the form of the Hebrewes Common-wealth until Christ his coming, and when the Scepter departed from them.; CHAP. II. Of the Publicans.; CHAP. III. Israelites, Prosylites.; CHAP. IV. Of their Kings.; CHAP. V. The High-priest, Priests, Levites, and Nethinims.; CHAP. VI. Of the Prophets.; CHAP. VII. Of their Title Rabbi.; CHAP. VIII. Of their Nazarites and Rechabites.; CHAP. IX. Of the Assideans.; CHAP. X. Of the Pharisees.; CHAP. XI. Of the Sadduces.; CHAP. XII. Of the Essenes.; CHAP. XIII. Of the Gaulonit? and the Herodians.
THE SECOND BOOK TREATETH OF PLACES. CHAP. I. Their Temple.; CHAP. II. Their Synagogues, Schools, and Houses of Prayer.; CHAP. III. Of the Gates of Jerusalem.; CHAP. IV. Of their Groves, and high Places.; CHAP. V. The Cities of Refuge.; THE THIRD BOOK TREATETH OF DAIES and TIMES.; CHAP. I. Days, Hours, Weeks, and Years.; CHAP. II. Of their Feasts.; CHAP. III. Of their Sabbath.; CHAP. IV. Of their Passover, and their Feasts of Unleavened Bread.; CHAP. V. Of their Pentecost; CHAP. VI. The Feast of Tabernacles; CHAP. VII. Of the Feast of Trumpets, and their New Moons.
CHAP. VIII. The Feast of Expiation. CHAP. IX. The Sabbatical year, or Seventh years rest; CHAP. X. Of their Jubilee.; CHAP. XI. The Feast of Purim, and the Feast of Consecration or Dedication.; THE FOURTH BOOK OF THEIR IDOLATRY.; CHAP. I. The beginnings of Idolatry.; CHAP. II. Of Moloch, Adram-Melech, Anam-Melech, Baal, The Tabernacle of Molech, Chiun, Rempham, Horses consecrated to the Sun, Thamuz.; CHAP. III. Of Baal-Peor, Baal-Tsephon, Baal-Zebub, Baal-Berith, Bell and the Dragon.; CHAP. V. Of the molten Calf.
CHAP. VI. Of Astaroth, Ammonia, Juno, the Queen of Heaven, Diana of the Ephesians. CHAP. VII. Of other Gods mentioned in Scripture.; CHAP. VIII. The several manners of Divine Revelation.; CHAP. IX. Their Teraphim.; CHAP. X. The several sorts of Divination forbidden.; THE FIFTH BOOK OF THEIR CONSISTORIES.; CHAP. I. Their Courts of Judgment, especially their Ecclesiastical Consistory.; CHAP. II. Of their Excommunication.; CHAP. III. Their Civil Consistories, what persons were necessarily present in them.; CHAP. IV. The number of their Civil Courts.
CHAP. V. Properties required in Judges, and the manner of their election. CHAP. VI. Ceremonies common in all capital Judgments.; CHAP. VII. Their capital punishments.; CHAP. VIII. Punishments not capital.; CHAP. IX. Punishments borrowed from other Nations.; CHAP. I. Of Circumcision.; CHAP. II. Of their first fruits and their firstlings, or first-born.; CHAP. IV. Of their Marriages.; CHAP. V. Of their Burials.; CHAP. VI. Of their Oaths.; CHAP. VII. Of their Writing, Masorites, and their Work.; CHAP. VIII. Of Israels pitching their Tents, or of their Camps.; CHAP. IX. Their Measures.
일반주제명Judaism --Customs and practices.
RELIGION --Judaism --General.
Judaism --Customs and practices.


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