대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Leviathan : Bestsellers and famous Books

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Leviathan : Bestsellers and famous Books.
개인저자Hobbes, Thomas,1588-1679.
발행사항Dinslaken: Anboco, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource (886 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan : Bestsellers and famous Books. Dinslaken : anboco, ?016
일반주기 But Know Not The Way How They Effect Anything.
내용주기LEVIATHAN; By Thomas Hobbes; 1651; THE INTRODUCTION; PART 1 OF MAN; CHAPTER I. OF SENSE; CHAPTER II. OF IMAGINATION; Memory; Dreams; Apparitions Or Visions; Understanding; CHAPTER III. OF THE CONSEQUENCE OR TRAYNE OF IMAGINATIONS; Trayne Of Thoughts Unguided; Trayne Of Thoughts Regulated; Remembrance; Prudence; Signes; Conjecture Of The Time Past; CHAPTER IV. OF SPEECH; Originall Of Speech; The Use Of Speech; Abuses Of Speech; Names Proper & Common Universall; Subject To Names; Use Of Names Positive; Negative Names With Their Uses; Words Insignificant; Understanding; Inconstant Names.
CHAPTER V. OF REASON, AND SCIENCE. Reason What It Is; Reason Defined; Right Reason Where; The Use Of Reason; Of Error And Absurdity; Causes Of Absurditie; Science; Prudence & Sapience, With Their Difference; Signes Of Science; CHAPTER VI. OF THE INTERIOUR BEGINNINGS OF VOLUNTARY MOTIONS; Motion Vitall And Animal; Endeavour; Appetite; Desire; Hunger; Thirst; Aversion; Contempt; Good Evill; Pulchrum Turpe; Delightfull Profitable; Unpleasant Unprofitable; Delight Displeasure; Pleasure Offence; Pleasures Of Sense; Pleasures Of The Mind; Joy Paine Griefe; The Will.
Formes Of Speech, In PassionGood And Evill Apparent; Felicity; Praise Magnification; CHAPTER VII. OF THE ENDS OR RESOLUTIONS OF DISCOURSE; Judgement, or Sentence Final; Doubt; Science Opinion Conscience; Beliefe Faith; CHAPTER VIII. OF THE VERTUES COMMONLY CALLED INTELLECTUAL; ; AND THEIR CONTRARY DEFECTS; Intellectuall Vertue Defined; Wit, Naturall, Or Acquired; Good Wit, Or Fancy; Good Judgement; Discretion; Prudence; Craft; Acquired Wit; Giddinesse Madnesse; Rage; Melancholy; Insignificant Speech; CHAPTER IX. OF THE SEVERALL SUBJECTS OF KNOWLEDGE.
CHAPTER X. OF POWER, WORTH, DIGNITY, HONOUR AND WORTHINESSPower; Worth; Dignity; To Honour and Dishonour; Titles of Honour; Worthinesse Fitnesse; CHAPTER XI. OF THE DIFFERENCE OF MANNERS; What Is Here Meant By Manners; A Restlesse Desire Of Power, In All Men; Love Of Contention From Competition; Civil Obedience From Love Of Ease; From Feare Of Death Or Wounds; And From Love Of Arts; Love Of Vertue, From Love Of Praise; Hate, From Difficulty Of Requiting Great Benefits; And From Conscience Of Deserving To Be Hated; Promptnesse To Hurt, From Fear; And From Distrust Of Their Own Wit.
Vain Undertaking From Vain-gloryAmbition, From Opinion Of Sufficiency; Irresolution, From Too Great Valuing Of Small Matters; And From The Ignorance Of Naturall Causes; And From Want Of Understanding; Credulity From Ignorance Of Nature; Curiosity To Know, From Care Of Future Time; Naturall Religion, From The Same; CHAPTER XII. OF RELIGION; Religion, In Man Onely; First, From His Desire Of Knowing Causes; From The Consideration Of The Beginning Of Things; From His Observation Of The Sequell Of Things; Which Makes Them Fear The Power Of Invisible Things; And Suppose Them Incorporeall.
일반주제명Political science.
State, The.
POLITICAL SCIENCE --Government --General.
POLITICAL SCIENCE --Government --National.
Political science.
State, The.


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