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Rethinking Reputational Risk: How to Manage the Risks that can Ruin Your Business, Your Reputation and You

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Rethinking Reputational Risk: How to Manage the Risks that can Ruin Your Business, Your Reputation and You.
개인저자Fitzsimmons, Anthony.
Atkins, Derek,
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항Business professional collection
기타형태 저록Original 9780749477363 0749477369

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Foreword; Preface; Part One Rethinking; 01 Introduction; Learning from crises; Anthony's story; Derek's story; Combining our insights to reveal hidden truths; Why study crises?; Outsiders can see more clearly than insiders; What is in it for whom?; 02 Reputation basics; What is a reputation?; How is a good reputation valuable?; The unrecognized role of heuristics; Systems One and Two; The value of a good reputation; Whose reputation is it anyway?; 03 How reputations are lost; Stakeholders in crises; Confidentiality evaporates in a crisis; Crises as a public stress-test of leaders
Crisis dynamicsThe trigger; Stakeholders and media engage; The back story; Leaders are not necessarily trusted; As stories develop, reputations evolve; 04 What is reputational risk?; Cognitive biases and their consequences; How cognitive biases and heuristics lead us astray; A better definition of reputational risk; Follow those root causes; Latent weaknesses incubate slowly; Turner's innovative equation; Lessons from Three Mile Island; Complex systems fail in complex ways; 'Normal' accidents; Overconfidence and optimism; The role of human error; The problem of systemic weakness
Enter the Swiss cheese model05 The hole in classical risk management; Where 'three lines of defence' fails; Normal human behaviour; The hole in classical risk management; The 'Swiss cheese' model has a hole!; Boards in the dark: unknown knowns and the risk glass ceiling; Unwanted incentives affect risk managers; Protecting chief risk officers; 06 Stakeholder behaviour; How does this work in practice?; Reputational capital and reputational equity; Unduly good reputations; Stakeholders in peacetime; Stakeholders in a crisis; Insiders are stakeholders too; Licence to operate
Stakeholder expectationsIf stakeholders overestimate you; Stakeholders' unreasonable expectations; Owners and their proxies; Regulators: stakeholders with multiple agendas; 07 Risks from failing to communicate and learn; Upward communication failures; Downward communications failures; Communication across the organization; Risk blindness; Failure to learn; 08 Character, culture and ethos; Character; Culture; Cultural leadership; Failure to embed the desired culture throughout the organization; 09 Incentives; Financial incentives: bonuses; Do large bonuses work?; Penalties
Non-financial incentivesNotes; 10 Complexity; 11 Board composition, skill, knowledge, experience and behaviour; Insufficient understanding; Blindness from cultural maps, rules, taxonomies and social norms; Diversity and skewed boards; Biases, heuristics, board dynamics and challenge; 12 Risks from strategy and change; Strategy development; Risks from large projects and change: the planning fallacy; Risks from inadequate crisis strategy, planning, practice and management; 13 Incubation and complacency; Incubation can be surprisingly long; Complacency; Hubris
14 The special role -- and risks -- of leaders
요약Provides a new perspective on the true nature of reputational risk and damage to organizations and traces its root causes in individual and collective human behaviour.
일반주제명BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior
Risk management.
Risk management.


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