대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Jude the Obscure

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Jude the Obscure.
개인저자Hardy, Thomas,author.
발행사항Open Road Media, 2015.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Hardy, Thomas. Jude the Obscure. Newburyport : Open Road Media, ?015
요약Thomas Hardy's final novel: A passionate and tragic story of the follies of Victorian England's most rigid institutions: class, marriage, and higher education Growing up in southern England, Jude Fawley dreams of one day transcending his country life and becoming a scholar at Christminster's most prestigious college. It's the driving focus of his young life, leading him to rigorous study of classical Greek and Latin after spending long days working as a stonemason. But everything changes when Jude meets Arabella Donn, a calculating local girl who ensnares him in marriage. As his dreams of Christminster recede into the background, Jude finds himself trapped in one unhappy marriage while the woman her loves, his free-thinking cousin Sue Bridehead, is trapped in another. Though Jude and Sue are able to escape their first spouses, their new life together proves to be no simpler. With two young children born out of wedlock, Jude and Sue's unconventional relationship is burdened by the judgments of society. But it isn't until the unexpected arrival of Jude's first son, born of his troubled relationship with Arabella, that the accumulation of Jude's misfortunes reaches its final, shattering crescendo. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices. <br clear="all."
주제명(개인명)Hardy, Thomas, -- Jude the obscure.1840-1928. --
Jude the obscure (Hardy, Thomas) --fast
주제명(지명)Wessex (England) --Fiction.
England --Wessex. --fast
일반주제명Stonemasons --Fiction.
Illegitimate children --Fiction.
Children --Death --Fiction.
Unmarried couples --Fiction.
Adultery --Fiction.
Children --Death.
Illegitimate children.
Unmarried couples.


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