대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Making sense of the Hebrew Bible [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Making sense of the Hebrew Bible [electronic resource]/ Robert A. Butterfield ; foreword by Vitor Westhelle.
개인저자Butterfield, Robert A.(Robert Alan), author.
Westhelle, V?tor,1952- author of introduction,
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: 1532600402 9781532600401

내용주기In the beginning -- Stringing stories together with metaphors -- Israel's real history -- More about structure -- Messianic expectation -- Socio-religious origins of Jesus of Nazareth -- Jewish ethics and the ethics of Jesus of Nazareth -- Role of festivals in postexilic Israel -- Some practical implications -- Destruction/re-creation in the New Testament.
요약Understanding the Hebrew Bible has never been easy. Even great scholars have had to be content with understanding only bits and pieces of it. The main reason was the lack of hard evidence about Israel's history. Without such evidence, one could only guess about why and when a text was written, and if one couldn't really explain even one text, how could one explain the whole collection? Thanks to recent archaeology, however, it is now possible to paint a factually reliable history of Israel and make strong connections between texts and actual events. These connections, in turn, permit one to se.
Bible. --fast
Bible. --Old Testament.fast
Bible. --Criticism, interpretation, etc.Old Testament
Bible --History of contemporary events.
Bible --History of Biblical events.
일반주제명History of Biblical events.
History of contemporary events.
RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Old Testament
RELIGION / Judaism / Sacred Writings


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