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Translating tenses in Arabic-English and English-Arabic contexts

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서명/저자사항Translating tenses in Arabic-English and English-Arabic contexts/ by Hassan Abdel-Shafik Hassan Gadalla.
개인저자Gadalla, Hassan A. H.,author.
형태사항1 online resource.

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Table of Contents; List of Tables; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; List of Symbols and Abbreviations; Chapter One; 1.1. Varieties of Arabic; 1.2. Translation as a Text-Oriented Process; 1.3. Purpose & Procedures of the Research; 1.4. Vowels of Standard Arabic; 1.5. Consonants of Standard Arabic; Chapter Two; 2.0. Introduction; 2.1. Tense/Aspect Distinctions in Arabic; 2.2. Tense/Aspect Distinctions in English; 2.3. Importance of Tense/Aspect Distinctions in Translation; 2.4. Conclusion; Chapter Three; 3.0. Introduction; 3.1. Translation of the Bare Perfect Form
3.2. Translation of /qad/ + Perfect3.3. Translation of /kaana/ + /qad/ + Perfect; 3.4. Translation of /(sa-)ya-kuun/ + /qad/ + Perfect; 3.5. Conclusion; Chapter Four; 4.0. Introduction; 4.1. Translation of the Bare Imperfect Form; 4.2. Translation of /sa- or sawfa/ + Imperfect; 4.3. Translation of Subjunctive Particle + Imperfect; 4.4. Translation of /lam/ + Imperfect; 4.5. Translation of /kaana/ + Imperfect; 4.6. Translation of Other Imperfect Constructions; 4.7. Conclusion; Chapter Five; 5.0. Introduction; 5.1. Syntactic Classes of the Arabic Active Participle
5.2. Translating Arabic AP into English Nominals5.3. Translating Arabic AP into English Adjectivals; 5.4. Translating Arabic AP into English Verbals; 5.5. Translating Arabic AP into English Adverbials; 5.6. Conclusion; Chapter Six; 6.0. Introduction; 6.1. Syntactic classes of the Arabic Passive Participle; 6.2. Translating Arabic PP into English Adjectivals; 6.3. Translating Arabic PP into English Nominals; 6.4. Translating Arabic PP into English Verbals; 6.5. Translating Arabic PP into English Adverbials; 6.6. Conclusion; Chapter Seven ; 7.0. Introduction
7.1. Translating English Present Simple into Arabic7.2. Translating English Past Simple into Arabic; 7.3. Translating English Future Simple into Arabic; 7.4. Translating English Present Progressive into Arabic; 7.5. Translating English Past Progressive into Arabic; 7.6. Translating English Future Progressive into Arabic; Chapter Eight; 8.0. Introduction; 8.1. Translating English Present Perfect into Arabic; 8.2. Translating English Past Perfect into Arabic; 8.3. Translating English Future Perfect into Arabic; 8.4. Translating English Present Perfect Progressive into Arabic
8.5. Translating English Past Perfect Progressive into Arabic8.6. Translating English Future Perfect Progressive into Arabic; 8.7. Translating English Conditional Tenses into Arabic; 8.8. Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography
요약This volume is devoted to the translation of Arabic tenses into English, and English tenses into Arabic. Using a corpus of 1,605 examples, it is remarkably exhaustive in its treatment of the categories and forms of both Standard Arabic and English tenses. As such, it represents a useful reference for translators and linguistics researchers. With 260 example sentences and their translations, the book will be very beneficial to teachers and students of Arabic-English and English-Arabic translation.The book is divided into eight chapters. The first presents the variety of Arabic that will be stud.
일반주제명Arabic language --Tense.
Arabic language --Tense.


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