대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Hungarian perspectives on the Western canon : post-comparative readings

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Hungarian perspectives on the Western canon : post-comparative readings/ edited by L?szl? Bengi, Ern? Kulcs?r Szab?, G?bor Mezei, G?bor Tam?s Moln?r and P?l Kelemen.
개인저자Bengi, L?szl?,1976- editor,
Kulcs?r Szab?, Ern?,editor,
Mezei, Gabor,editor,
Moln?r, G?bor Tam?s,1975- editor,
Kelemen, P?l,editor,
형태사항1 online resource (viii, 295 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Hungarian perspectives on the Western canon. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017 1443844918

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Table of Contents; Preface; I. Poetry with Poetry; Literary Movement-Images:; The Mnemotechnics of the Poetic Image in Late Modernity; Writing Machines; The Text as Body; II. Prose with Prose; Literary Capital and Mass Media; M?rai and the Literature of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy; Heterogeneity of Senses; Musical Form and the Erotics of Writing; The Depth of the Self; The Intercultural Test of the Literary Event; Multiplicity in History; III. Crossing Genres; The Reading Fails; Re-Cycling the Ring; The Poetics of Vulnerability; Contributors
요약In this collection, Hungarian literature is read together with canonical works of the Western literary tradition. The book studies the distinction between "major" and "minor" literatures, showing that such parallel readings may highlight previously unknown components of the literary tradition. The book does not hold traditional comparative methods, based on verifiable mediations or transactions between national philologies and national literary narratives, to be the exclusive standard of interpretation; readings can concentrate on common surfaces and textual events instead. This is what is mea.
일반주제명Cross-cultural studies.
Hungarian literature --History and criticism.
Canon (Literature)
Literature --History and criticism.
LITERARY CRITICISM / European / Eastern.
Canon (Literature)
Cross-cultural studies.
Hungarian literature.


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