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Current issues in intercultural pragmatics

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Current issues in intercultural pragmatics/ edited by Istvan Kecskes, Stavros Assimakopoulos.
개인저자Kecsk?s, Istv?n,editor,
Assimakopoulos, Stavros,editor,
형태사항1 online resource (vii, 369 pages).
총서사항Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (P&BNS),0922-842X; volume 274
기타형태 저록Print version: Current issues in intercultural pragmatics Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2017] 9789027256799

일반주기 "The present volume is a collection of selected papers from the 6th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication - admittedly the biggest venue for researchers in the area, and comprises contributions that report on recent research that deals with or can directly inform work in intercultural pragmatics."
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Current Issues in Intercultural Pragmatics -- Editorial page -- Title page -- LCC data -- Table of contents -- Introduction -- References -- Chapter 2. "Western" Grice?: Lying in a cross-cultural dimension -- 1. Introduction -- 2. A general definition of lying -- 3. Investigating lying from a cross-cultural perspective -- 3.1 Standard situations of lying -- 3.2 Values associated with lying -- 4. Is the Gricean approach ethnocentric? -- 5. Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 3. Why is miscommunication more common in everyday life than in lingua franca conversation? -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The mental worlds of communicants -- 3. Features of everyday and lingua franca conversation -- 3.1 Everyday conversation -- 3.2 Lingua franca conversation -- 4. Process of communication -- 4.1 The starting point: What the Speaker wants to say -- 4.2 Which Form will be chosen for the Meaning? -- 4.3 What happens when articulating the utterance? -- 4.4 Does the utterance reach the Recipient? -- 4.5 Failures in the interpretation of Meaning -- 4.6 Misreference -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4. "Burn the antifa traitors at the stake…": Transnational political cyber-exchanges, proximisation of emotions -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Theoretical considerations -- 2.1 Ideological common ground defining far-right discourse -- 2.2 Salience of lexical units defining axiological values of far-right discourse -- 2.2 Salience of lexical units defining axiological values of far-right discourse -- 2.3 Cyber communication context: Proximising a threat -- 3. Data, typology, methodology -- 3.1 Data -- 3.2 Methodology -- 4. Analysis of avatars and pseudonyms -- 4.1 Quantitative results -- 4.2 Proximisation of positive emotions towards the Self -- 4.3 Proximisation of negative emotions towards the Other -- 5. Salience of lexical units and emerging common ground in comments.
5.1 Sarcasm, hostility and disparaging metaphors -- 5.2 Main salient lexical units -- 5.3 Battle over salient lexical meanings -- 5.4 Proximising the Threat -- 6. Proximising values to build a far-right newspeak -- References -- Appendix -- Chapter 5. The interpersonal pragmatics of intercultural financial discourse: A contrastive analysis of European vs. Asian earnings conference callsA contrastive analysis of European vs. Asian earnings conference calls -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Financial disclosure -- 3. Methodology -- 3.1 Data collection -- 3.2 The analysis -- 4. Results and discussion -- 4.1 Semantic analysis of the Euro corpus vs. the Asian corpus -- 4.2 Semantic analysis of the Asian corpus vs. the Euro corpus -- 4.3 Other differences in interpersonal communication styles -- 5. Concluding remarks -- References -- Chapter 6. Face-threatening e-mail complaint negotiation in a multilingual business environment: A discursive analysis of refusal and disagreement strategiesA discursive analysis of refusal and disagreement strategies -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Methodology -- 2.1 Authentic vs. simulated/experimental data -- 2.2 Complaint handling at our research site -- 2.3 Our corpus -- 3. Results -- 3.1 Refusal strategies -- 3.2 Customer disagreement strategies -- 3.3 E-mail length -- 4. Discussion -- 4.1 Refusal and disagreement e-mails: directness and modification -- 4.2 Comparing the two corpora -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 7. Auto- and hetero-stereotypes in the mutual perception of Germans and Spaniards -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Stereotypes: Definition, origins, functions -- 3. Methodology -- 3.1 Recruitment of participants -- 3.2 Questionnaire -- 3.3 Interview settings and interview technique -- 3.4 Methodology critique -- 4. Results -- 4.1 Comparison of auto- and hetero-stereotypes with respect to Spaniards.
4.2 Comparison of auto- and hetero-stereotypes with respect to Germans -- 5. Conclusion and future prospects -- References -- Chapter 8. The interactive (self-)reflexive construction of culture-related key words*: The interactive (self-)reflexive construction of culture-related key words* -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Theoretical anchoring -- 3. Empirical data -- 4. Analysis -- 4.1 Punctuality -- 4.2 Openness -- 4.3 Directness -- 4.4 Individualism -- 5. Concluding remarks -- References -- Chapter 9. "It's really insulting to say something like that to anyone"*: "It's really insulting to say something like that to anyone"*: An investigation of English and German native speakers' impoliteness perceptionsAn investigation of English and German -- 1. Background -- 2. Methodology -- 2.1 Participants -- 2.2 Instruments -- 2.3 Procedure -- 3. Results and discussion -- 3.1 (In)appropriateness and (im)politeness perception: Responses to type A questions -- 3.1 (In)appropriateness and (im)politeness perception: Responses to type A questions -- 3.2 Average severity rating: Responses to type B questions -- 3.3 Severity ratings of individual scenario: Responses to type B questions -- 4. Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 10. Identities and impoliteness in translated Harry Potter novels: Identities and impoliteness in translated Harry Potter novels -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Background -- 2.1 Identity and face -- 2.2 Identity in narrative texts for children -- 2.3 Identity in the school story -- 2.4 Children's literature in translation -- 3. Method -- 3.1 Impoliteness in the original -- 3.2 Impoliteness in the German translation -- 4. Results and discussion -- 4.1 Impoliteness in the original -- 4.2 Impoliteness in the German translation -- 5. Conclusion -- References.
Chapter 11. Presuppositions, paralanguage, visual kinesics: Three culture-pragmatic categories of errors and misunderstanding in translation and interpreting illustrated on the basis of the language pair German/GreekThree culture-pragmatic categories of e -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Presuppositions and translation (German-Greek) -- 3. Paralanguage and interpreting (Greek-German) -- 4. Visual kinesics and interpreting (Greek-German) -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 12. Development of pragmatic routines by Japanese learners in a study abroad context: Development of pragmatic routines by Japanese learners in a study abroad context -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Method -- 2.1 Participants -- 2.2 Instruments -- 2.3 Procedure -- 2.4 Data analysis -- 3. Results and discussion -- 3.1 Development of routines by JEs through study abroad -- 3.2 Factors affecting development of routines by JEs -- 4. Conclusion -- References -- Appendix. Scenario scripts -- A. Requests -- B. Refusals -- C. Expressions of gratitude -- Chapter 13. A cross-sectional study of Syrian EFL learners' pragmatic development: Towards a taxonomy of modification in interlanguage requestsTowards a taxonomy of modification in interlanguage requests -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Theoretical background -- 2.1 The speech act of requesting -- 2.2 Developmental studies on FL learners request modification -- 3. Methodology -- 3.1 Participants -- 3.2 Instrumentation and procedures -- 3.3 Data coding and analysis -- 4. Results and discussion -- 4.1 Internal modification -- 4.2 External modification -- 5. Summary and conclusion -- References -- Appendix A. Coding scheme of internal modifications of requests -- Appendix B. Coding scheme of external modifications of requests -- Chapter 14. The pragmatic competence of student-teachers of Italian L2: The pragmatic competence of student-teachers of Italian L2.
1. Introduction -- 2. Methodology -- 2.1 Participants -- 2.2 Procedure -- 3. Results -- 4. Discussion -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 15. Adaptive management and bilingual education: A longitudinal corpus-based analysis of pragmatic markers in teacher talk*A longitudinal corpus-based analysis of pragmatic markers in teacher talk* -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Adaptive management and context -- 3. Description of the UAMLESC Corpus -- 4. Results of the analysis -- 4.1 Topic-starters -- 4.2 Attention-getting -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- Index.
요약Having been established as a field in its own right for the last decade, intercultural pragmatics is increasingly being recognized as an important area of research among scholars working in pragmatics. The present volume is a collection of selected papers from the 6th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication - admittedly the biggest venue for researchers in the area, and comprises contributions that report on recent research that deals with or can directly inform work in intercultural pragmatics. Given the breadth of research areas that are represented herein, ranging from lingua franca and business communication to the study of cultural perceptions, translation and pragmatic development, this volume is bound to be of interest to not only students and scholars engaged in the area of intercultural pragmatics, but also to all those with a more general interest in the sociocultural turn in the study of pragmatics.
Intercultural communication.
Speech acts (Linguistics)
Intercultural communication.
Speech acts (Linguistics)


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