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Translation and interpreting pedagogy in dialogue with other disciplines

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Translation and interpreting pedagogy in dialogue with other disciplines/ edited by Sonia Colina, Claudia V. Angelelli.
개인저자Colina, Sonia,editor,
Angelelli, Claudia(Claudia V.), editor,
단체저자명American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association,organization.
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항Benjamins current topics,1874-0081; volume 90
기타형태 저록Print version: Translation and interpreting pedagogy in dialogue with other disciplines. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2017] 9789027242785

일반주기 A selection of papers from the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association tenth anniversary conference. The American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association selected pedagogy as the theme of its tenth anniversary conference, held on March 29-31, 2012, at the University of Texas, Brownsville and Texas Southmost College.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Translation and Interpreting Pedagogy in Dialogue with Other Disciplines; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; T & I pedagogy in dialogue with other disciplines; References; Occasioning translator competence; Prologue; Introduction; 1. The emergence of a community of practice in translator education; 2. Situated translation; 3. Modernism and positivist pedagogical epistemology; 4. An initial step into postpositivism: From instruction to construction; 5. Social constructivism: Another step on the path toward emergence and occasioning.
6. Beyond instruction: Teaching from a postmodern perspective7. A Heretical view of translation competence research; 8. A fractal model of emerging translator competence; References; The Internet in translation education; 1. Introduction; 2. Online translation and interpreting education; 2.1 Defining 'e-learning' and its different types; 2.2 Research into the teaching of translation and interpreting competences, skills or fields of specialization; 2.3 Didactics models on the Internet based on socio-constructivist approaches; 2.4 Issues in online learning.
3. The Internet in professional settings and its impact on translation education: models and interrelations3.1 'Instrumental' or 'tools and resources' subcompetences and the use of the Internet; 3.2 Web corpora and translation education; 4. The Internet as the engine of new translation modalities and practices: From web localization to online crowdsourcing; 4.1 Crowdsourced and volunteer translation on the WWW; 5. Conclusions; References; Applying Task-Based Learning to translator education; 1. Introduction; 2. Literature review; 3. Methodology; Research questions; 3.1 Profile of participants.
3.2 Research design4. Findings and discussion; 4.1 Learner developments in identifying and addressing key challenges; 4.1.1 Overall between-group differences; 4.1.2 Improvements in ST comprehension; 4.1.3 Research skills; 4.1.4 Building a relationship with a client; 4.1.5 Appropriate readability in a TT; 4.2 Learner perceptions of the usefulness of Task-Based Learning; 5. Concluding remarks; References; Appendix 1. Outline of the pilot program carried out after the earlier studies; Appendix 2. A holistic rubric used for feedback by professionals; Information about a descriptor of each scale.
Appendix 3 Source texts and translation briefs for tasks and report stagesI know languages, therefore, I can translate?; Introduction; Translation and language teaching; Translation competence and translation quality assessment (TQA) in translation education; Participants; Method; Results and discussion; Translation working habits; Use of translation aids; Translation quality; Conclusions; References; Secondary Sources; Appendix; Questionnaire; L2 proficiency as predictor of aptitude for interpreting; Introduction; Research rationale; L2 proficiency and interpreting; Problems in comprehension.
일반주제명Translating and interpreting --Study and teaching.
Language arts (Higher) --Correlation with content subjects.
Interdisciplinary approach in education.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY --Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --Linguistics --General.
Interdisciplinary approach in education.
Language arts (Higher) --Correlation with content subjects.
Translating and interpreting --Study and teaching.


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