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Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory, Fifth Edition

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory, Fifth Edition.
개인저자Erickson, Paul A.
Murphy, Liam D,
발행사항Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource (665 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Erickson, Paul A. Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory, Fifth Edition. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, ?016 9781442636873
내용주기Preface; Introduction; part one; The Science of Culture [1873]; Ethnical Periods [1877]; The Organic Analogy Reconsidered [1876]; Introduction [The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life] [1915]; The Sociology of Charismatic Authority [1922]; part two; The Methods of Ethnology [1920]; Conclusion [Primitive Society] [1920]; What Anthropology Is About [1923]; Introduction [Coming of Age in Samoa] [1928]; The Individual and the Pattern of Culture [1934]; Structuralism and Ecology [1984]; Structuralism in Social Anthropology [1972]; Introduction [Islands of History] [1985].
Social Structure [1958]The Subject, Method, and Scope of This Inquiry [Argonauts of the Western Pacific] [1922]; Rituals of Rebellion in South-East Africa [1963]; part three; The Unconscious Patterning of Behavior in Society [1927]; Energy and Tools [1959]; The Epistemology of Cultural Materialism [1979]; Symbols in Ndembu Ritual [1967]; Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture [1973]; Woman the Gatherer: Male Bias in Anthropology [1975]; Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory [1988].
The Big Picture: Masculinities in Recent World History [1993]The New Anthropology of Sexuality [2006]; Introduction [Anthropology & the Colonial Encounter] [1973]; Knowing the Oriental [1979]; Introduction [Europe and the People Without History] [1982]; The Birth of the Asylum [1961]; The Peculiar History of Scientific Reason [1991]; Partial Truths [1986]; A Crisis of Representation in the Human Sciences [1986]; Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties [1984]; A Critical-Interpretive Approach in Medical Anthropology: Rituals and Routines of Discipline and Dissent [1990]; part four.
Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy [1990]Developments in US Anthropology since the 1980s, a Supplement: The Reality of Center-Margin Relations, To Be Sure, but Changing (and Hopeful) Affinities in These Relations [2008]; Counterinsurgency as a Cultural System [2010]; Introduction [Other People's Anthropologies] [2008]; From Kinship to Link-up: Cell Phones and Social Networking in Jamaica [2005].
요약Used on its own or together with A History of Anthropological Theory , Fifth Edition, this anthology offers a flexible and unrivalled introduction to anthropological theory that reflects not only the history but also the changing nature of the discipline today.
일반주제명Anthropology --Philosophy.
Anthropology --History.
SOCIAL SCIENCE --Anthropology --General.
SOCIAL SCIENCE --Regional Studies.
SOCIAL SCIENCE --Sociology --General.
Anthropology --Philosophy.


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