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Expressing and describing surprise

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서명/저자사항Expressing and describing surprise/ edited by Agn?s Celle, Laure Lansari.
개인저자Celle, Agn?s,editor,
Lansari, Laure,editor,
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항Benjamins current topics,1874-0081; volume 92
기타형태 저록Print version: Expressing and describing surprise. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2017] 9789027242808

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Expressing and Describing Surprise; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Introduction; References; Surprise as a conceptual category; 1. Introduction; 2. Methodological issues; 3. Surprise as a polysemous category; 4. Metonymies of surprise; 5. The surprise process metaphorically conceived; 6. The notion of "loss of control" in surprise; 7. What makes surprise different?; 8. Conclusions; References; The complex, language-specific semantics of "surprise"; 1. Introductory comments; 1.1 The NSM methodology; 1.2 The importance of metalanguage; 1.3 Outline.
2. The lexical semantics of "surprise words" in English and Malay2.1 English surprised, amazed, astonished and shocked; 2.2 Comparison with Malay (Bahasa Melayu); 3. English grammatical semantics of the "unexpected": Present participial adjectives (surprising, sh; 3.1 Present participial adjectives: surprising, amazing, astonishing, shocking; 3.2 English experiencer-object "surprise verbs": to surprise, to amaze, to shock, to astonish; 3.3 Active "surprise verbs": A note on Slavic languages; 4. Implications for semantic typology; Sources of the Malay textual examples; References.
Grammatical evidentiality and the unprepared mind1. Introduction; 2. Mirativity and evidentiality; 2.1 A functional definition; 2.2 Grammatical evidentials and speaker knowledge; 3. Reconstructing mirative meaning; 3.1 New information; 3.1.1 Environmental vs. linguistic information; 3.1.2 What it means for environmental information to be new; 3.2 Surprise and the unprepared mind; 3.2.1 Schema theory and surprise as a cognitive process; 3.2.2 The linguistic correlates of schema discrepancy; 4. Conclusion; 4.1 Future prospects; 4.2 Mirativity and other categories; References.
Operationalizing mirativity: A usage-based quantitative study of constructional construal in English1. Introduction: Operationalizing the conceptual-functional category of mirativity; 2. Object, data and method; 2.1 Object: Three constructions for encoding epistemic incongruity; 2.2 Data: Interactive online language use; 2.3 Method: Constructional profiles and multifactorial feature analysis; 3. Analysis. Manual annotation of sample; 3.1 Conceptual-functional mirative profile of constructions; 3.2 Operationalizing performativity and incongruity.
3.3 The problem of the functional category of descriptivity4. Results ; 4.1 Identifying usage patterns; 4.2 Confirming usage patterns; 5. Summary; References; The computer-mediated expression of surprise: A corpus analysis of chats by English and Italian nati; 1. Introduction; 2. Theoretical issues: Surprise, cognition, and emotion; 2.1 Temporal dimension of surprise; 2.2 Valence; 2.3 Description vs. expression; 3. Presentation of the corpus; 3.1 Characteristics of CMC; 4. Corpus study; 4.1 Methodology; 4.2 Sequences; 4.2.1 Italian native speakers' reaction of surprise.
일반주제명Emotive (Linguistics)
Emotions and cognition.
Emotions --Psychological aspects.
Discourse analysis --Psychological aspects.
Speech acts (Linguistics)
Discourse analysis --Psychological aspects.
Emotions and cognition.
Emotions --Psychological aspects.
Emotive (Linguistics)
Speech acts (Linguistics)


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