대구한의대학교 향산도서관



The barefoot navigator [electronic resource] : wayfinding with the skills of the ancients Second edition

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서명/저자사항The barefoot navigator [electronic resource] : wayfinding with the skills of the ancients/ Jack Lagan ; illustrated by Dave Saunders.
개인저자Lagan, Jack.
Saunders, Dave,illustrator,
판사항Second edition.
발행사항London: Adlard Coles Nautical, 2017.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Lagan, Jack The Barefoot Navigator : Wayfinding with the Skills of the Ancients London : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC,c2017 9781472944771

일반주기 Latitude, Longitude and Lunar Distances
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents ; Conventions and Credits ; Foreword to the New Edition ; A Short Lexicon ; A Barefoot Philosophy for the 21st Century ; GPS: The Death of Navigation? ; A Strategy for the Future ; A Cautionary Note ; Part 1 The Remarkable Skills of the Ancients ; The Pacific Islanders ; Just Another Day in Paradise? ; Tangata: The Gods of Navigation ; Feelers of the Sea ; The Chart in Captain William Bligh ' s Head ; Tupaia ' s Chart ; Strategies and Tactics ; The Vikings
The Ring of Bears The Norse Sagas as Cruising Guides ; The Polar Stick ; Sol-Skuggj ? fj ?l : The Sun-Shadow Board ; The Uunartoq Compass ; The Viking Sunstone ; The Mediterranean: Pharaohs, Phoenicians and Greeks ; Queen Hatshepsut ' s Shopping Trip ; The Thalassocracy of Phoenicia ; King Necho II ' s Big Adventure ; Lateen Rigs and Wind Compasses ; The Arabs ; Ships of the Desert at Sea ; The Rahm a?ni , the Kamal and the Akhdh al-Kawakib ; The Chinese ; Sampans and Junk History
Longitude Chinese-style The South-Pointing Needle ; Renaissance Navigation ; Portolan Charts and Some Very Rum Lines ; Dividing Circles: The Search for Accuracy ; Part 2 Practical No-Tech Navigation ; Which Heading? ; Horizon Events ; The Sun ; The Trade Winds ; The Movement of the Sea ; Catch a Rising Star: Barefoot Astronavigation ; 360 Degrees of Separation: Introducing the Pelorus ; The Sidereal Compass ; Where Am I, Roughly? ; Latitude: A Belated Definition ; Zenith Stars
Using Polaris to Estimate Latitude Give Me a Little Latitude: A Navigation Strategy ; Landfall ; The Clouds ; The Birds ; Reflected and Refracted Swells ; The Wind: Land and Sea Breezes ; The Water ; Aircraft ; Ferries and Other Sea Traffic ; Radio Masts ; Part 3 Do-It-Yourself Lo-Tech Navigation ; Dead Reckoning ; Improvising a Magnetic Compass ; The Watch Compass ; Calculating Speed: The Home-Brew Log Line ; Calculating Speed: The Dutchman ' s Log ; The Traverse Board: Logging Your Dead Reckoning
The Pelorus: Non-Magnetic Steering Compasses Steering: The Sun Compass ; Steering: The Star Compass ; Steering: The Superlorus ; Latitude ; Kamals and Polar Sticks ; The Astrolabe, the Cross-staff and the Backstaff ; Improvising Quadrants ; Latitude Using the Sun at Noon ; Latitude Using the Stars ; Making a Sun-Shadow Board ; Longitude ; The Ubiquitous Quartz Watch ; Using the Sun at Noon ; Using a Compass ; Longitude by Polar Stick ; A Minimalist Longitude using Kochab ; A Combined Declination/EoT Table
이용제한사항Owing to Legal Deposit regulations this resource may only be accessed from within National Library of Scotland. For more information contact enquiries@nls.uk.
요약'Navigation with sextant and almanac is as user-friendly as a corneredrat.' Barefoot Navigator introducesus to a unique take on navigation – using the skills of the ancients and technology-free techniques, we learn how to navigate using the sun, sea, wind and stars, and even the flight patterns of ocean birds. The first part of this absorbing book recounts a colourful history of seafarers and their navigation techniques. How did the Polynesians manage to populate an area of ocean larger than North America simply by analysing clouds,currents and wind direction? How did the Vikings routinely travel on the notorious stretches of water between Iceland, Greenland and Scandinavia? The second part shows how to use these ancient techniques to supplement today's navigational hardware, especially in survival situations. Fascinating history, useful advice, enjoyable writing, and different to every other navigation reference out there, this second edition has been beautifully packaged in a hardback format, with new illustrations and thoroughly revised text.
일반주제명Navigation --Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Boats and boating --Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Seamanship --Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Boats and boating.
Navigation & seamanship.
Sports & outdoor recreation.
Active outdoor pursuits.
Outdoor survival skills.
Travel writing.
Travel tips & advice: general.


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