대구한의대학교 향산도서관



The prose Edda : [the younger Edda]

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항The prose Edda : [the younger Edda]/ by Snorri Sturluson ; translated with an introduction, notes, and vocabulary by Rasmus B. Anderson.
개인저자Snorri Sturluson,1179?-1241,
Anderson, Rasmus B.(Rasmus Bj쾟n), 1846-1936, translator,
형태사항1 online resource.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
요약(3z (BThe Prose Edda (3y (B, or (3z (BYounger Edda (3y (B, is a classic collection of Norse myths of the Icelandic people believed to have been written or compiled by Icelandic scholar and historian Snorri Sturluson around the year 1220. Preserved through a handful of medieval manuscripts and another dating to the 17th century, (3z (BThe Prose Edda (3y (Bis composed of a prologue and three additional books. In the prologue Sturluson describes the Norse gods as historical descendents of the Trojans who travelled north after the fall of Troy to settle the lands of Northern Europe. The second book, Gylfaginning, old Icelandic for (3z (Bthe tricking of Gylfi (3y (B, describes the creation and destruction of the world of the Nordic gods. The third book, Sk?ldskaparm?l, old Icelandic for (3z (Bthe language of poetry (3y (B, contains of a dialogue between 쩱ir, a sea god, and Bragi, a skaldic god, on the nature of poetry. The fourth book, H?ttatal, Old Icelandic for (3z (Blist of verse-forms (3y (B, is a section of poetry composed and discussed by Snorri Sturluson. A classic of Norse mythology, (3z (BThe Prose Edda (3y (Bis one of the most important of all Icelandic texts. This edition is translated with introduction, notes, and vocabulary by Rasmus B. Anderson.
통일서명Edda Snorra Sturlusonar.English.
일반주제명Mythology, Norse.
Scalds and scaldic poetry.
LITERARY CRITICISM / European / Scandinavian.
LITERARY CRITICISM / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology.
Mythology, Norse.
Scalds and scaldic poetry.


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