대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Is the universe a hologram? : scientists answer the most provocative questions

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Is the universe a hologram? : scientists answer the most provocative questions/ [interviews by] Adolfo Plasencia ; foreword by Tim O'Reilly.
개인저자Plasencia, Adolfo,editor,
발행사항Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, [2017].
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Is the universe a hologram? Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2017] 9780262036016

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Quantum physics takes free will into account / Ignacio Cirac -- Unifying particle physics with cosmology of the primordial universe / Jose? Bernabe?u -- For exoplanets, anything is possible / Sara Seager -- From Casimir forces to black-body radiation : quantum and thermal fluctuations / Alejandro W. Rodriguez -- The challenge of climate change / Mario J. Molina -- Graphene and its "family" : the finest materials ever to exist / Pablo Jarillo-Herrero -- The laws of thermodynamics will tell you what is and what is not possible / Avelina Corma -- Wisdon hewn in ancient stones / John Ochsendorf -- Galileo programme : planning uncertainty and imagining the possible and the impossible / Javier Benedicto -- Looking forward in architecture by looking back / Yung Ho Chang -- The seamless coupling of bits and atoms / Hiroshi Ishii.
Convergence culture : where old and new media collide / Henry Jenkins -- The logic of physics and logic of computer science / Bebo White -- The pillars of MIT : innovation, radical meritocracy, and open knowledge / Hal Abelson -- We need algorithms that can make explicit what is implicit / Bernardo Cuenca Grau -- The emergence of a nonbiological intelligence / Michail Bietsas -- Remember our future : the frontier of search technologies / Ricardo Baeza-Yates -- The challenge of the open dissemination of knowledge, distributed intelligence, and information technology / Anne Margulies -- Technology is something to make the world a better place / Tim O'Reilly -- Encryption as a human right / David Casacuberta -- Order in cyberspace can only be maintained with a combination of ethics and technology / John Perry Barlow -- The free software paradigm and the hacker ethic / Richard Stallman.
"Affective computing" is no an oxymoron / Rosalind W. Picard -- Mind, brain, and behavior / Alvaro Pascual-Leone -- MIT collaborative innovation : it takes >2 to tango / Israel Ruiz -- Mind over matter : brain-machine interfaces / Jose M. Carmena -- We want robots to see and understand the world / Antonio Torralba -- Between caves : from Plato to the brain through the internet / Javier Echeverria -- There will be no end of work / Paul Osterman -- A smart mob is not necessarily a wise mob / Howard Rheingold -- Measuring the intelligence of everything / Jose? Herna?ndez-Orallo -- Touching the soul of Michelangelo / Gianluigi Colalucci -- Geometry of a multidimensional universe : weightless art and the painting of the void / Jose? Mari?a Yturralde.
요약Conversations with scientists, conducted by a veteran science writer, addressing such issues as intelligence, consciousness, global warming, energy, changing the past, and even the philosophical curveball, "Is the universe a hologram?"
일반주제명Science --Miscellanea.
Science --Popular works.
SCIENCE / Essays
SCIENCE / Reference
SCIENCE / General


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