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Beginning server-side application development with Angular : discover how to rapidly prototype SEO-friendly web applications with Angular Universal

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Beginning server-side application development with Angular : discover how to rapidly prototype SEO-friendly web applications with Angular Universal/ Bram Borggreve.
개인저자Borggreve, Bram,author.
발행사항Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2018.
형태사항1 online resource (1 volume): illustrations.

내용주기Cover; C09633 -- Final- ebook; Preface; Creating the Base Application; Server-Side and Client-Side Rendering; Installing Angular CLI; Generating a New Application; Creating a New Application; Serving the Application; Viewing Your Application; Setting Defaults for Angular CLI; Configuring Global Defaults; Configuring Global Styles; Linking to the Style Sheets in global styles.css; Adding Bootstrap and Font Awesome; Showing an Icon on the Page; Creating UI Modules and Components; Creating the UiModule; Importing Our UiModule; Displaying the Current Route; Creating the LayoutComponent.
Adding a New RouteBuilding Our Layout; Creating the HeaderComponent; Updating the LayoutComponent to Reference Our New HeaderComponent; Creating the Actual Header; Creating the FooterComponent; Updating the LayoutComponent to Reference Our New FooterComponent; Creating the Actual Footer; Summary; Creating the Application Module and Components; Types of Components; Presentational Components; Container Components; Folder Structure; Generate and Lazy Load the PostsModule; Creating the Container Components; Creating PostsComponent and ProfileComponent; Adding Dummy Post and Profile Data.
Creating a Service to Retrieve DataGenerating the Service; Storing Our API URL; Referencing Our New PostsService in Our Container Components; Defining the Public Methods; Importing HttpClientModule in Our AppModule; Creating the Presentational Components; Creating the PostListComponent; Creating the PostItemComponent; Creating the ProfileItemComponent; Creating Resolvers to Retrieve Data Using the Router; Creating Resolvers; Importing Our Resolvers; Using the Data Resolved by the Router; Summary; Server-Side Rendering; Generating the Server App; Generating the Angular Universal Application.
Making Our Apps ConsistentAdding Dependencies for the Server App; Adding the Server App to Our Angular CLI Configuration; Adding Run Scripts to package.json; Adding npm Scripts; Testing the Builds of Both Apps; Implementing a Web Server; Installing Server Dependencies; Creating the server.ts File; Adding the npm Script to package.json; Starting the Server; Adding Dynamic Metadata; Creating the UiService; Adding Metadata to PostsComponent and ProfileComponent; Summary; Service Workers; What Is a Service Worker?; What Is a Progressive Web App?; Installing Dependencies.
Enabling the Service WorkerImporting the ServiceWorkerModule; Creating the Service Worker Configuration; Configuring the Service Worker; Asset and Data Groups; Configuring the Asset and Data Groups; Testing the Service Worker; Checking Where the Data Comes from; Enabling Offline Mode; Running a Local Build of the Browser App; Inspecting the Behavior; Setting Our Application to Offline Mode; Debugging the Service Worker; Chrome Developer Tools to the Rescue; Locating the Running Service Worker; Unregistering the Registered Service Worker; Summary; Index; Blank Page.
요약Dynamic client-side web applications are great for UX, but not so much for your SEO. Learn how to build the same great UX with server-side Angular, all without taking a hit to search referrals.
일반주제명Client/server computing.
Application software --Development.
Web applications.
Computers --Programming Languages --JavaScript.
Computers --Web --Web Programming.
Web programming.
Programming & scripting languages: general.
Computers --Programming --General.
Computer programming --software development.
Application software --Development.
Client/server computing.
Web applications.
COMPUTERS / Computer Literacy.
COMPUTERS / Computer Science.
COMPUTERS / Data Processing.
COMPUTERS / Hardware / General.
COMPUTERS / Information Technology.
COMPUTERS / Machine Theory.
COMPUTERS / Reference.


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