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Hands-On MQTT Programming with Python : Work with the lightweight IoT protocol in Python

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Hands-On MQTT Programming with Python : Work with the lightweight IoT protocol in Python.
개인저자C. Hillar, Gasto?n.
발행사항Birmingham: Packt Publishing, 2018.
형태사항1 online resource (220 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: C. Hillar, Gasto?n. Hands-On MQTT Programming with Python : Work with the lightweight IoT protocol in Python. Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 짤2018
일반주기 Working with retained last will messages.
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Packt Upsell; About the Author; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Installing an MQTT 3.1.1 Mosquitto Server; Understanding convenient scenarios for the MQTT protocol; Working with the publish-subscribe pattern; Working with message filtering; Understanding the MQTT puzzle -- clients, servers, and connections; Installing a Mosquitto server on Linux; Installing a Mosquitto server on macOS; Installing a Mosquitto server on Windows; Considerations for running a Mosquitto server in the cloud; Test your knowledge; Summary.
Chapter 2: Using Command-Line and GUI Tools to Learn How MQTT WorksSubscribing to topics with a command-line tool; Subscribing to topics with a GUI tool; Publishing messages with a command-line tool; Publishing messages with a GUI tool; Unsubscribing from topics with a GUI tool; Learning best practices for topics; Understanding MQTT wildcards; Learning about the different QoS levels; Working with at least once delivery (QoS level 1); Working with exactly once delivery (QoS level 2); Understanding overhead in the different Quality of Service levels; Test your knowledge; Summary.
Chapter 3: Securing an MQTT 3.1.1 Mosquitto ServerUnderstanding the importance of securing a Mosquitto server; Generating a private certificate authority to use TLS with Mosquitto; Creating a certificate for the Mosquitto server; Configuring TLS transport security in Mosquitto; Testing the MQTT TLS configuration with command-line tools; Testing the MQTT TLS configuration with GUI tools; Creating a certificate for each MQTT client; Configuring TLS client certificate authentication in Mosquitto; Testing the MQTT TLS client authentication with command-line tools.
Testing the MQTT TLS configuration with GUI toolsForcing the TLS protocol version to a specific number; Test your knowledge; Summary; Chapter 4: Writing Code to Control a Vehicle with Python and MQTT Messages; Understanding the requirements to control a vehicle with MQTT; Defining the topics and commands; Creating a virtual environment with Python 3.6.x and PEP 405; Understanding the directory structure for a virtual environment; Activating the virtual environment; Deactivating the virtual environment; Installing paho-mqtt for Python.
Connecting a client to the secured MQTT server with paho-mqttUnderstanding callbacks; Subscribing to topics with Python; Configuring certificates for IoT boards that will work as clients; Creating a class to represent a vehicle; Receiving messages in Python; Working with multiple calls to the loop method; Test your knowledge; Summary; Chapter 5: Testing and Improving Our Vehicle Control Solution in Python; Processing commands with Python; Sending messages with Python; Working with the network loop with Python; Working with last will and testament with Python.
요약MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol for small sensors and mobile devices. This book explores the features of the latest versions of MQTT for IoT and M2M communications, how to use them with Python 3, and allow you to interact with sensors and actuators using Python.
일반주제명Python (Computer program language)
COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python.


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