대구한의대학교 향산도서관



The heart of the brain : the hypothalamus and its hormones

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항The heart of the brain : the hypothalamus and its hormones/ Gareth Leng.
개인저자Leng, G.(Gareth), author.
발행사항Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, [2018].
형태사항1 online resource (x, 265 pages): illustrations.
기타형태 저록Print version: Leng, G. (Gareth). Heart of the brain. Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press, [2018] 9780262038058

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
요약"This book is about the neuroendocrine brain - about the hypothalamus, the seat of our passions, and about the control that this small structure exerts on our physiology and behavior. The hypothalamus contains a vast diversity of neuronal types, and these signal not only though conventional messengers but by a wide range of other signals, many of which act as hormones within the brain. Behaviors important to who we are - love and hate, how much we eat and what we eat, how we respond to threat and to stress - are governed by the hypothalamus, and not by the map of how the neurons are connected, but by where the receptors for these peptide signals are found. Neurotransmitter signals are ephemeral and confined by anatomical connectivity, but the peptide signals that hypothalamic neurons generate are potent, wide reaching and long-lasting, and they affect not just neuronal excitability but also the genes that neurons express. Remarkably, different peptides when injected into the brain induce coherent, meaningful behaviors - some trigger eating, others induce a longing for salt, or initiate maternal behavior or aggression or sleep. This book describes the frontiers of current research into the hypothalamus, and does so in a way that makes it accessible to readers with no specialized knowledge."--
해제Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Hypothalamus --Popular works.
Hypothalamic hormones --Popular works.
Hypothalamic hormones.
SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Anatomy & Physiology.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Physical


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