대구한의대학교 향산도서관



The Mystic Ark : Hugh of Saint Victor, art, and thought in the twelfth century

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항The Mystic Ark : Hugh of Saint Victor, art, and thought in the twelfth century/ Conrad Rudolph.
개인저자Rudolph, Conrad,1951-.
발행사항New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Rudolph, Conrad, 1951- Mystic Ark 9781107037052
ISBN9781139922357 (electronic bk.)
1139922351 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Machine generated contents note: Preface; 1. The Mystic Ark lectures; 2. The image of The Mystic Ark; 3. Conclusion: the Mystic Ark and the multiplication and systematization of imagery; Appendix.
요약"Conrad Rudolph studies and reconstructs Hugh of St Victor's forty-two-page written work, The Mystic Ark, which describes the medieval painting of the same name"--
요약"In this book, Conrad Rudolph studies and reconstructs Hugh of St. Victor's forty-two-page written work, The Mystic Ark, which describes the medieval painting of the same name. In medieval written sources, works of art are not often referred to, let alone described in any detail. Almost completely ignored by art historians because of the immense difficulty of its text, Hugh of Saint Victor's Mystic Ark (c. 1125-1130) is among the most unusual sources we have for an understanding of medieval artistic culture. Depicting all time, all space, all matter, all human history, and all spiritual striving, this highly polemical painting deals with a series of cultural issues crucial in the education of society's elite during one of the great periods of intellectual change in Western history"--
해제Provided by publisher.
해제Provided by publisher.
주제명(개인명)Hugh, -- of Saint-Victor,1096?-1141 -- Criticism and interpretation.
Hugh, -- of Saint-Victor, -- De arca Noe mystica.1096?-1141. --
Hugh, -- of Saint-Victor, -- Mystic ark (Painting)1096?-1141. --
일반주제명Art and society --Europe --History --To 1500.
HISTORY --Europe --General.
ART / History / General


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