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Windows Server 2016 Security, Certificates, and Remote Access Cookbook : Recipe-based guide for security, networking and PKI in Windows Server 2016

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Windows Server 2016 Security, Certificates, and Remote Access Cookbook : Recipe-based guide for security, networking and PKI in Windows Server 2016.
개인저자Krause, Jordan.
발행사항Birmingham: Packt Publishing, 2018.
형태사항1 online resource (133 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Krause, Jordan. Windows Server 2016 Security, Certificates, and Remote Access Cookbook : Recipe-based guide for security, networking and PKI in Windows Server 2016. Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 짤2018
일반주기 Getting ready.
내용주기Cover; Copyright and Credits; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Security and Networking; Introduction; Requiring complex passwords in your network; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Using Windows Firewall with Advanced Security to block unnecessary traffic; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Changing the RDP port on your server to hide access; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Multi-homing your Windows Server 2016; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; See also.
Adding a static route into the Windows routing tableGetting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Using Telnet to test a connection and network flow; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Using the Pathping command to trace network traffic; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Setting up NIC Teaming; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Renaming and domain joining via PowerShell; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; See also; Building your first Server Core; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Chapter 2: Working with Certificates.
IntroductionSetting up the first certification authority server in a network; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; See also; Building a Subordinate certification authority server; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; See also; Creating a certificate template to prepare for issuing machine certificates to your clients; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Publishing a certificate template to allow enrollment; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Using MMC to request a new certificate; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ...
Using the web interface to request a new certificateGetting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Configuring Autoenrollment to issue certificates to all domain joined systems; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Renewing your root certificate; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Chapter 3: Remote Access; Introduction; DirectAccess planning question and answers; Configuring DirectAccess, VPN, or a combination of the two; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Pre-staging Group Policy Objects to be used by DirectAccess; Getting ready; How to do it ...
How it works ... Enhancing the security of DirectAccess by requiring certificate authentication; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Building your Network Location Server on its own system; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Enabling Network Load Balancing on your DirectAccess servers; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Adding VPN to your existing DirectAccess server; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Replacing your expiring IP-HTTPS certificate; Getting ready; How to do it ... ; How it works ... ; Reporting on DirectAccess and VPN connections.
요약Windows Server 2016 is an operating system designed to run on today's highly performant servers, both on-premise and in the cloud. It supports enterprise-level data storage, communications, management, and applications. This book builds off a basic knowledge of the Windows Server operating system, and assists administrators with taking the ...
Microsoft Windows server --Security measures.
Microsoft Windows server. --fast
일반주제명Client/server computing.
Client/server computing.
Security systems.
COMPUTERS / Security / General.
COMPUTERS / Client-Server Computing.
Operating systems.
Computers --Security --General.
Computers --Internet --Security.
Windows & variants.
Computer security.
Privacy & data protection.
Computers --System Administration --Windows Administration.
Computer networking & communications.


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