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Software Architecture with Spring 5. 0 [electronic resource] Design and Architect Highly Scalable, Robust, and High-Performance Java Applications

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서명/저자사항Software Architecture with Spring 5. 0 [electronic resource] : Design and Architect Highly Scalable, Robust, and High-Performance Java Applications.
개인저자Enríquez, René.
Salazar, Alberto,
발행사항Birmingham: Packt Publishing Ltd, 2018.
형태사항1 online resource (362 p.).
기타형태 저록Print version: Enríquez, René Software Architecture with Spring 5. 0 : Design and Architect Highly Scalable, Robust, and High-Performance Java Applications Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd,c2018 9781788992992

일반주기 Description based upon print version of record.
Underlying concepts and key aspects
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Software Architecture Today; Defining software architecture; I know my land; I want to stay ahead; Predicting the future; Architecture and architects; Software architecture principles; Components; Low coupling; High cohesion; SOLID principles; The single responsibility principle (SRP); The Open-Closed Principle (OCP); The Liskov substitution principle ; The interface segregation principle (ISP); The dependency inversion (DI) principle; Conway's law
Choosing the right technology for youNew trends ; Summary; Chapter 2: Software Architecture Dimensions; Dimensions; The business dimension; Managing user requirements; Identifying and tracking business metrics; The data dimension; The technical dimension; The operations dimension; How to deploy an application; How interaction occurs among your components; Dealing with infrastructure; Understanding the infrastructure; Versioning; Testing; Cloud versus on-premise; Deploying your application; The C4 model; Context diagram; Container diagram; Components diagram; Class diagram; Summary
Chapter 3: Spring ProjectsWhy Spring appeared; Spring projects; Spring Initializr; Spring Boot in a Nutshell; Servlet container integration; Autoconfiguration; Dependency management; mvnw and mvnw.cmd; pom.xml; DemoApplication.java; The application.properties file; DemoApplicationTests.java; Avoiding redeployment with developer tools; Spring Data; Supporting EIPs with Spring Integration; Spring Batch; The read step; The process step; The write step; Securing applications with Spring Security; Embracing (Spring) HATEOAS; Spring Cloud and the microservices world; Configuration server
Service registryEdge services; Microproxy; API gateway; Circuit breaker; Reactive and Spring; Publisher; Subscriber; Subscription; Processor; Project reactor; Mono; Flux; Back pressure; Reactive Spring Data; Reactive REST services; Summary; Chapter 4: Client-Server Architectures; Understanding client-server architectures; Server; Scaling ; Request; Client; Network; Where to apply client-server architectures; Implementing client-server architectures with Spring; The server; SOAP web services; RESTful web services; CORBA; Sockets; AMQP; Implementing the server; Banking-domain; Banking-api
BoundariesDomain; Persistence; Service; Monitoring the server; Testing; Banking-client; Authentication endpoint client; Account balance endpoint client; The clients; JavaFX client; Android client; Thin client; Summary; Chapter 5: Model-View-Controller Architectures; MVC; The Model (M); The View (V); The Controller (C); Benefits of using MVC ; Common pitfalls; Implementing applications using MVC; Spring MVC; Testing; Test coverage; UI frameworks; Thymeleaf; Securing an MVC application; Basic authentication; Implementing basic authentication; Summary; Chapter 6: Event-Driven Architectures
요약Spring 5 and the ecosystem around it can be used for building robust architectures in an effective way. This book shows how to choose the right architecture and apply best practices during your software development cycle to avoid technical debt and support every business requirement effectively.
일반주제명Software architecture.
Software architecture.
COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Java.


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